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2023: The Curse at Alton Manor

Do people actively want queues on a ride that gets throughput of 1500/hr+? Visit Chessington if you'd like the illusion that Tomb Blaster is more popular and successful.

Curse is a crafted, artistic experience with significant effort in taking you on a journey. It is a family ride experience.
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The criticism amazes me. A large proportion of the community have screamed for years about a story based change to the ride, moving away from the haphazard mess we had before. Now we have it people are crying out for the very thing they slated.

Is the modern world happy with anything?
Yes I agree the ride system is reliable or was she’ll I say? As I don’t believe it has been last few months so arguably i would say now it’s starting to show it’s age, regarding what ever upgrades they carried out (speculation of course)

However I was referring mainly to the ride system speeds and missing/triggering affects. If timings are off, speeds can no longer be adjusted and the only way it to keep resetting the system. Then I feel that’s a good argument it doesn’t suit the new story?
Even if you installed a completely new transit system there'd be timing issues that would need to be ironed out.

They'll keep working with the current system for as long as they can, I would imagine it'll be around for atleast another decade or so until the next retheme.
Would think they'd be better off spending the money on effects that work (on time) and moving the zombie mechanisms that are in the same place from Duel. I was quite surprised they removed most of the decent original mechanisms and kept the crap ones.... How anyone can say the effect in the hearse looks good is beyond me, it's not even to the correct scale, or at least wasn't when I saw it.
So, you can’t see the tunnell immediately now? What effect does it give
So, you can’t see the tunnell immediately now? What effect does it give
As of now you do see the tunnel before. It's sort of a blast synced up with "You're Mine!"

I have also noticed the scene with the shadow fades to black at the end. The projection still works but the overall scene fades to black as you leave whereas before it just stayed with the shadow on the wall
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I genuinely think they would be better to reduce the number of cars on the system, and batch the pre-show. The ride doesn’t need the highest throughout on park, it could quite happily be tempered down to 1000 an hour. In theory fewer cars would make the triggering better (plus the trommel works better if you can’t see the car ahead of you).

Plus the ride makes more sense if you watch the pre-show but 90% of people miss it or only get part of it.
I'm surprised they never batched the preshow. At the moment, it doesn't work well on a loop, as you either see the whole show, miss it completely, or only see a part of it.

Given it's a story-based ride with a narrative throughout, it would make sense to batch the preshow.

I hope it's something Towers/MMM could explore over the closed season. It would require some work, but I think it would work far better than the current setup.
I have no issues with the current setup. The ride has such a high capacity you'd be sending empty cars as there isn't enough queue the other side of the room, plus it works and is thematic as is
The Haunted Mansion has a kind of cover for the base of the ride cars when the seating array is removed for maintenance, affectionately known as the “haunted futon”

As other have mentioned, outside of Scarefest the ride simply doesn’t need the capacity it has, so I wonder if it would be possible to have every other car stripped down to a chassis and add a themed cover to hide that. Minimal changes to programming required but a huge improvement visually
Keep the capacity please. The park needs rides to tackle queues. Throughput is king.

The ride will still have great capacity even if they adjusted it to a pre show and less cars because of its location, cars can hold up to 6 and the length of ride. I was of the assumption this is why they extended the queue line and themed it so after the first year/hype they could enclose the pre show and have less vehicles, for a much better and immersive experience!

Yes capacity is needed elsewhere in the park at various other areas situated close to a roller coaster. But after it’s not a headline attraction I can’t see it being an issue due to gloomy woods location.

Im sure myself and many others wouldn’t mind waiting 30-40 mins for The Curse? whilst soaking up in the Eerie queue line and all its details with its fantastic sound track and pre show! This really builds the hype and for others to understand the story more so there less confused after.
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