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[2024] Nemesis Reborn: Construction and Speculation

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Not sure they would install another Huss topspin such as the floorless model. I understand they are not the most reliable rides and require alot of maintenance. Knotts berry Farm had a lot of issues with their flourless model and it only lasted from 2004-2016 before it was scrapped.

I certainly hope they can get a new pernamnet flat in FV for 2024 to go along side the relaunch of Nemesis, but expect they won't. I can imagine any Capex is fully tied up in Nemesis and Project Horizon.
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Not sure they would install another Huss topspin such as the flourless model. I understand they are not the most reliable rides and require alot of maintenance. Knotts berry Farm had a lot of issues with their flourless model and it only lasted from 2004-2016 before it was scrapped.

I certainly hope they can get a new pernamnet flat in FV for 2024 to go along side the relaunch of Nemesis, but expect they won't. I can imagine any Capex is fully tied up in Nemesis and Project Horizon.
Flourless? A ripstrawberry cake? 😉
Even EP retracked Poseidon to try and get it to ride properly (if only they could do it for the horrid bobsled)
Was not for comfort; TÜV (the H&S authorities) demanded a modification with the first turn & mcbr or it would have been no longer permitted it to run. Was a one off project last year.

CanCan on the other hand though, and EuroMir soon enough too, are comparable to this work with Nemesis
Another reason Nemesis is having upgrades - coal prices for running whatever logic it has have increased massively.

I do think they'd do well tying in a permanent Ripsaw replacement for 2024 as part of the project, like how Ripsaw was well FV themed.
Coal? What the…?
This thread has lost the plot. All over the track being a different colour...think about how petty it is the more you think about it.
You're just angry you don't have a diploma in different grades of steel.

But in all seriousness, it is ashame the changes have proven to be so divisive, especially when the ride that we have always loved is here to stay.

General public and guests would have been fine to see another ride take it's place as long as it would be another crowd pleaser, whereas for a lot of us enthusiasts it's a big part of why are passions are what they are and has been a big part of our lives.

I'm just so glad nemesis is here to stay the ride layout and profiling will be the same, therefore I'm happy, the track color might be different, some theming enhancements and dare I say it sound track might be changing but nemesis itself is here to stay and I am more than grateful.

When it comes to me giving the changes any judgement that'll be when it's there in person and open to the public.
Not before they've even taken down the old footers.
You're just angry you don't have a diploma in different grades of steel.

But in all seriousness, it is ashame the changes have proven to be so divisive, especially when the ride that we have always loved is here to stay.

General public and guests would have been fine to see another ride take it's place as long as it would be another crowd pleaser, whereas for a lot of us enthusiasts it's a big part of why are passions are what they are and has been a big part of our lives.

I'm just so glad nemesis is here to stay the ride layout and profiling will be the same, therefore I'm happy, the track color might be different, some theming enhancements and dare I say it sound track might be changing but nemesis itself is here to stay and I am more than grateful.

When it comes to me giving the changes any judgement that'll be when it's there in person and open to the public.
Not before they've even taken down the old footers.
At this rate we're all going to end like Star Wars fans or perhaps already so as you know that term 'No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans'?

At this rate, no one hates the Nemesis retrack more than Nemesis/Towers fans. Gets really tiresome at this point. Given the reaction on here, you might have thought Nemesis was gone for good.
At this rate we're all going to end like Star Wars fans or perhaps already so as you know that term 'No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans'?

At this rate, no one hates the Nemesis retrack more than Nemesis/Towers fans. Gets really tiresome at this point. Given the reaction on here, you might have thought Nemesis was gone for good.

I'm beginning to wish it was gone for good. At least this way we would have something to be bitter about.
You're just angry you don't have a diploma in different grades of steel.

But in all seriousness, it is ashame the changes have proven to be so divisive, especially when the ride that we have always loved is here to stay.

General public and guests would have been fine to see another ride take it's place as long as it would be another crowd pleaser, whereas for a lot of us enthusiasts it's a big part of why are passions are what they are and has been a big part of our lives.

I'm just so glad nemesis is here to stay the ride layout and profiling will be the same, therefore I'm happy, the track color might be different, some theming enhancements and dare I say it sound track might be changing but nemesis itself is here to stay and I am more than grateful.

When it comes to me giving the changes any judgement that'll be when it's there in person and open to the public.
Not before they've even taken down the old footers.
The changes have not been "so divisive"...
This is a discussion between about a hundred thoosies, out of a population of around seventy million.
99.999% of the public really don't give a damn about colours, grades of steel, or cosmetic changes to a rollercoaster in Staffordshire.
The changes have not been "so divisive"...
This is a discussion between about a hundred thoosies, out of a population of around seventy million.
99.999% of the public really don't give a damn about colours, grades of steel, or cosmetic changes to a rollercoaster in Staffordshire.
That's what I mean though the whole thread has gone mad since black track was spotted, thoosies have been whinging a lot ever since, I don't see the big deal.

Towers could have spent a bit more money to just get a brand new ride and had a bigger noticeable return on investment and the general public would have gotten over nemesis leaving pretty quickly.

Me myself I can't whinge about changes to a 30 year old ride that we are blessed to keep for hopefully another 30 years, blue yellow or pink just keep bringing me that nemesis!
I'm a massive Nemesis fan, it's been a big part of my life from opening day...

...I am absolutely over the moon that it's getting a proper refresh.

I hope they update everything they can, any new ideas are welcome - music, colours, story, theme. It doesn't change the fact that Nemesis 1.0 was an incredible ride we got to experience for nearly 30 years. I'm happy to, in a sense, let it go, and I'm excited to see what's next!

Some things I'd really love to see are an epic dispatch 'show', something special with the trains, the return of waterfalls, a spruce up of the top end of Forbidden Valley, and a new logo that's a nod to the 90s original.
I'd still like to see some continuity from the previous 'version' of Nemesis in some important ways, but otherwise I'm pretty much open to new ideas. It's not that far off 30 years since myself and others have been lucky enough to ride it. Things ARE allowed to change.
I hope they update everything they can, any new ideas are welcome - music, colours, story, theme. It doesn't change the fact that Nemesis 1.0 was an incredible ride we got to experience for nearly 30 years. I'm happy to, in a sense, let it go, and I'm excited to see what's next!
Interesting idea, if they'd go that route of changing all those things drastically, it would really amount to a new theme altogether. A bit like the Duel revamp. Let go the original theme, new name and it could be great on its own two feet. Not exactly necessary when Nemesis theme was already good, but I'd have no problem with that.
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