TS Member
@Craig, thankyou. Yes, I was mainly referring to John’s comments from TT20. I’ve been back to the video and listened to those points again. Whilst your responses to Johns quotes add up, my view is still the same. I can’t remember off hand John’s comments from other videos and interviews without going back and listening to those. Clearly you and the 20 others who’ve liked this post disagree with my view, but let’s agree to disagree. I knew this post was going to be controversial but I went ahead anyway. Merlin made the decision to proceed with this project and let’s remember, they have grown a reputation to take a classic ride and change it by throwing in a few surprises along the way…and they haven’t all been good.*cracks knuckles*. I know @QTXAdsy has already posted and mentioned some of the points I'm about to mention, but just like Mastermind...I've started so I'll finish. I'm gonna post one more time on this subject to try and put this to bed, as I feel you're missing what was actually said by John at TT@20 (I'm assuming this is the quote you're referring to) and just constantly picking one specific phrase to suit what you believe was said. To put it bluntly, no one has been "sold a lie".
The full quote reveals that the actual reference of "Nemesis as we know it will not change" was part of an answer talking about the ride itself, not the whole experience (theming etc):
Now if you consider that wider answer, it's clear he was fully aware, and in fact stated that there would be some changes made to Nemesis. However the way the coaster rides and behaves would not change.
Now let's look at his answer to a question about what potential changes could be made:
Of course what you want to define as "bells and whistles" is up for discussion. Regardless of that, to me it's very clear from his comments that there was an awareness that there would be changes made to Nemesis and it wasn't going to be rebuilt exactly as it was.
Now if you're not referring to TT@20, there were other quotes during interviews with him when the ride closed, which again to me is a reference to how the coaster rides more than anything else. Again, it also hints at changes:
Now it's abundantly clear that you don't agree with the changes being made, as you've pointed out in your posts. However, to suggest you've been lied to I feel is incorrect, as in those comments above he is pretty much confirming that things would be different when the ride eventually reopens.
The ride is quite literally having millions spent on it to keep it going. To say they're "ruining" an iconic ride when they're spending that much money on it and without seeing much of a hint of the end product bar a difference in track colour and a potential minor name change is a crazy comment in my opinion.
I don't mind if it has Reborn tacked onto it. We'll all still call it Nemesis, in the same way as I don't go reeling off HEX: The Legend of the Towers or RITA: Queen of Speed. Like it or not, for this amount of money to be spent on an attraction, they simply must have a new selling point. If that's through a theme change, colour change or name change then so be it. If the end product is decent and it keeps the ride going for another few decades, then I'm all for it.
Whatever we end up with will not be as good as what we’ve had since 1994. Contrary to popular belief, enthusiasts from all over the globe who’ve rode Nemesis actually enjoy the look and theme of the ride - the majority of those who come back over and over are exactly that type of enthusiast, and not just someone who enjoys riding it. John knows full well that online through various platforms, tails wag one hell of a lot and the debates are electric. Great! But let’s be clear here - NOTHING about the ride has been officially revealed yet, and here we have a topic with members who are quite sure of its future. Speculation has gone on a while here, and it’s got to a level where it’s not completely enjoyable anymore - we all choose to come and read and respond even if we don’t like everything we read. I’m not calling John a liar for one minute, but for those who believe what he says, remember that he might have only said what people want to hear, to keep the tails wagging - and what we end up with might still go against Johns comments.
When it comes to that quote, I think this is regarding just the track layout which technically speaking if he was talking about that then he wasn't lying...just left out the theming aspect which I suppose has led to this.
All I'm hoping for is not an all black track and support coloured coaster for at least it to have a secondary colour in which I could tolerate that if we get this black track.
A good attempt to mute your point, but you didn’t succeed. As we know, this retrack is all about securing the rides future for many years to come, and health and safety plays a big part in it because of the steel track and supports that Nemesis is built from. If you believe Nemesis wouldn’t be there in a few years if this work was not done, I’m sorry to say that you and many others are very much mistaken. Allow me to explain…I mean, had Merlin not intervined and done this work there would be no Nemesis at all in a few years. That sort of makes your point mute.
Over the years as Nemesis has got older, the park has had numerous tests done on the rides steel track and columns by en external company. They all passed nicely and like many reports, highlighted the negatives of the state of the ride, allowing it to continue operating safely. Now without getting too technical, I know a little bit about steel and the different grades of it. It’s designed to last a lot longer than 30 years, especially in structural grade steel. You’ve only got to look at the 9/11 steel reports to realise there was nothing wrong with those towers steel (I’ve done a lot of reading and watching on that, I’m no conspiracy theorist but despite all of the reporting on that it’s really not hard to understand). With Nemesis, B&M built a ride that was designed to last. It has and could’ve easily lasted a lot longer than 28 years. There are rollercoasters in the world older than that - granted, they don’t have as much throughout and stress as Nemesis did, but it has lasted. And despite the stress Nemesis took over nearly 3 decades, it’s not a case of it was wearing down and unable to cope for much longer. Those sections of track are not only heavy, they’re perfectly intact and at no risk of danger whatsoever.
If this work wasn’t done, the ride would still be going strong 10 years from now. The access all areas gallery of Nemesis at the outdated Towers Almanac website is living proof of this, as those photos were taken circa 10 years ago, and in them we can see scaffolding where the station exterior was being refurbished, and during these works of this closed season I believe an external company assessed the ride structure.
I’m sorry but I reject what you say about there being no Nemesis in a few years. Research steel more if you like.