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[2024] Nemesis Reborn: Construction and Speculation

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Was on park Th-16-Sep, Nemesis front row was smooth as butter. Back rows not so much.

But, my goodness, has the hardware and surrounding areas aged or what. Rust everywhere on the tracks and restraint 'veneers' that are flaking and peeling; weeds everywhere on the areas surrounding the track. Musty air in the boarding station and restraint bars I didn't want to touch. :eek:

There was a school trip and loads of teenagers though overall park was quiet including this ride which only had a waiting time of around 4-5 mins front row and walk-on on the back rows of the ride.
As @Skyscraper has said the rust is painted on. As for the weeds and other plants: I actually think it adds to the experience. Flying through the pit. It feels like the pit is natural rather than purpose build unlike The Smilers.
There's foliage around the pit, then there's weeds. The weeds look awful and even cover up some of the theming. The rust track was also a stupid idea. They only added this at the repaint, it wasn't part of the original theme.
Was on site today and I did notice that the main monster was looking really faded and not as red as in recent years. Also the pit is looking really bad given the waterfall and red water hasn't run for years. Low water level and really green looking water down there.

Still ride was motoring today and managed a front row ride in a 5 min queue
The rust track was also a stupid idea. They only added this at the repaint, it wasn't part of the original theme.

There was certainly a lot more detail in the original paint job for the track. The repaint was a basically white job with a dirty orange spray can on the ties. Paint detailing on all supports are now just one block colour.

I’ve noticed that they’ve ignored to spray paint parts of the track where it’s not as visible.

I know we should be grateful as at least it had some attention unlike others in the park, but we’re allowed to have a little moan on here.
Doesn't look like Nemesis will open today. There's a big crane that appears to be supporting something near the vertical loop.

This seems to be happening more and more often… is the vertical loop a problematic area structurally or something?
Crane has gone now and trains appear to have been transferred, so I think it will reopen soon. Whatever it was, I guess it was a quick fix.
Does anyone know if the crane is hired in by Towers or owned by them? Just curious.
Possibly a track bolt blew and needed replacing in the pit/loop area. It might have been the quickest access to lower someone from a crane.
Possibly a track bolt blew and needed replacing in the pit/loop area. It might have been the quickest access to lower someone from a crane.
Pretty sure the crane was supporting a section of track. There is foot access to the ride area.
Does anyone know if the crane is hired in by Towers or owned by them? Just curious.
I'd imagine they hire it?

On an unrelated note, looks like Nemesis is down again? Wonder if it's related to the issue this morning or unrelated downtime?

Nemesis did reopen prior to park closing today!
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Where was it you did your engineering degree to provide such insight?

27 and a half years of solid reliability suggests it is, in fact, right.
Well obviously it is but I was referring to how it looks. It has a very tight curve at the top, most vertical loops are huge
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