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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Just got home.

Arrived at 8:30 am. We only got let into the park at 10am. At 11:30 we were in the massive cattle pen by the taco place. TOP TIP FOR TOMORROW: Turns out they had started splitting for the single rider line at the RAP/Main Queue split but had not told anyone. We asked if we could join the SRQ and did and was on in 20 minutes. If we had stayed where we were it would have been about 6 hours. Second ride using SRQ was 2.5 hours but about 45mins was downtime at least.

As for the ride I’ll keep it short:

Ride 1 - Row 4 - rattle, great up to splashdown, splashdown trims kill the ride. (Both trains as I made friends with a rider who rode Row 4 after me and had same opinion)

Ride 2 - Row 10 (back row) - Felt like a different ride, so so so much better, slight rattle but every element felt stronger/better, splashdown trims didn’t hit as hard and got airtime on the elements after the trims.

Best ride in Thorpe Park. Outerbank turn and stall are incredible elements. Still undecided whether it beats my rides on Nemesis earlier in the year, I’m leaning towards Nemesis still being my favourite in the UK.

The ride area/splashdown is completely unfinished and the ‘theming’ is very, very industrial and forced.
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I got to the park relatively late and met a friend who had already queued up for and rode Hyperia. He sadly had to leave due to family commitments, but we managed to ride Stealth, Nemesis Inferno and Detonator within 30 mins.

I joined the single rider queue line just after 13:00PM and got on the ride, row 4 just after 16:00PM.

I have to say I had my doubts, but wow. The airtime throughout is fantastic, especially the first Immelmann loop and the outer bank turn.
I'll agree with the splashdown though. It sounds cool going past and hearing the water pumping out, but with the lack of full theming it's a bit meh.

The atmosphere was fantastic and staff and operations were top notch. I cannot fault Thorpe Park at all today.
I was surprised to get on the ride as quickly as I did especially as I had arrived just after midday.
It's very good, but my row 2 ride earlier wasn't world endingly good. It doesn't help it's not my sort of coaster (intense, preferably with inversions)

In the queue for a night ride, be nice to see if it improves. Best I've done? No. Best in UK? Also no. Very good ride? Yes. Definitely top 30 worthy, if not top 20.
For those interested, I timed Hyperia's throughput this evening at approximately 676pph across an average of 9 readings. Given the theoretical throughput of 1,050pph, this equates to around 64% of the theoretical maximum.

I am a little disappointed by the current throughput readings, but it is only opening day, and these throughputs could speed up once the ride has settled in a bit.

For clarity, I'm not there myself and won't be there until 10th June, but YouTube recommended me an evening queueline live stream from Dean Johnson of ex-TPW fame and thought I'd seize the throughput timing opportunity! I was quite pleased to get 9 consecutive readings, as I did have to rely on Dean panning his camera towards the train as it was negotiating the specific element I was trying to time from... this was easier said than done!
A document from the planning application said 1,050pph. I can't remember which one, but I seem to distinctly remember that 1,050pph figure being mentioned somewhere.
Well that’s a bold estimation from Mack. It will never achieve that it would need to be dispatching every 1m 9s and I can’t imagine it being faster than 1m 30 on a good day
The person next to me in the queue got similar numbers timing this morning.

One thing that didn’t help throughput is that the station bag store covers kept failing/not automatically opening.

I will say all staff I met today were really positive and they were trying their best.
Managed to get 4 rides on Hyperia today. My initial ride on row 3 was very good but didn't hit as hard as I'd hoped. As expected though; it gets better and better throughout the day. Got lucky with a back row ride in the evening and it was absolutely hauling. There is plenty of airtime throughout the ride, particularly on the first drop and immelman thingy. It's really intense too, with a couple of brief grey out moments. The outerbank is just bonkers, you're out of your seat for the whole thing. Came off that last ride with a minor headache and sore thighs - so it's a winner for me 😍

Still taking it all in tbh so not sure where it ranks. Looking forward to getting on it more in the coming months.

Being a lazy bastard paid off for me. Didn't get there untill 10am and was greeted with a 90 min queue to get through security. But by the time I'd got to the extended queue for Hyperia; they had started letting single riders down the RAP/Fastrack entrance - so I managed to bypass a solid 3-4 hours of cattlepens and straight to the main plaza!

From the Hyperia main entrance, it's roughly an hour for single rider and about 80 mins for the main queue - but obviously this depends on how many Fastrack and RAPs there are. It seems there's nowhere near enough queue line in the ride area, and I think that extended queue is going to be used a hell of a lot this year.