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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Flew too close to the sun... wait... wrong myth...
All jokes aside this absolute mess, shambles, embarrassment, pathetic excuse of a park had the audacity to make this announcement at 9:30 when some people have likely travelled hundreds of miles. Enough with this crap free return deal too if you live far away you’re not just going to come back. Also what about pass holders? Why do Merlin never consider the loyal fans that buy passes and don’t get any compensation when this happens. Dreadful and shocking communication all round. This could never be Towers…Thorpe humbled real quickly
All jokes aside this absolute mess, shambles, embarrassment, pathetic excuse of a park had the audacity to make this announcement at 9:30 when some people have likely travelled hundreds of miles. Enough with this crap free return deal too if you live far away you’re not just going to come back. Also what about pass holders? Why do Merlin never consider the loyal fans that buy passes and don’t get any compensation when this happens. Dreadful and shocking communication all round.

Not particularly defending the park here and I’m not saying this definitely happened - but if the issue appeared in their morning testing at 9:30am what do you expect them to do? Just ignore the fault that they found?
All jokes aside this absolute mess, shambles, embarrassment, pathetic excuse of a park had the audacity to make this announcement at 9:30 when some people have likely travelled hundreds of miles. Enough with this crap free return deal too if you live far away you’re not just going to come back. Also what about pass holders? Why do Merlin never consider the loyal fans that buy passes and don’t get any compensation when this happens. Dreadful and shocking communication all round.
The thing is the park may have identified an issue in the morning checks. There could be someone off sick who is vital for it to open we don't know
There’s pictures circulating on X of engineers working at the crest of the lift hill. I’d be interested to know what the issue was. I wonder if they’d run test cycles for 12-13hrs consecutively as the ride operated for yesterday. Hopefully it’s not a safety issue, but interesting that they’ve closed it all day rather than opening later or running on reduced capacity.
All jokes aside this absolute mess, shambles, embarrassment, pathetic excuse of a park had the audacity to make this announcement at 9:30 when some people have likely travelled hundreds of miles. Enough with this crap free return deal too if you live far away you’re not just going to come back. Also what about pass holders? Why do Merlin never consider the loyal fans that buy passes and don’t get any compensation when this happens. Dreadful and shocking communication all round. This could never be Towers…Thorpe humbled real quickly

I’m usually the first to lay into Merlin and I’m as cynical as they come when it comes to timing and motivation of major corporate companies.

That said, what do you think the morning process is? They test the rides before they open, if they discover an issue they presumably try to resolve it before declaring that it isn’t going to be resolved by COB and then make an announcement.

Given the above, how would you suggest that they do it differently, unless you’re of the opinion that they knew about this earlier and deliberately left it until now to make the announcement?
The thing is the park may have identified an issue in the morning checks. There could be someone off sick who is vital for it to open we don't know

They let people in at 9:30 without telling anyone ON PARK it was closed.

Excuses for the breakdown is one thing, there is NO excuse for zero communication to people who've been stood there for over an hour.

Inferno not open yet either.
If the ride has had some sort of issue during morning testing, I don’t really see what else Thorpe Park could have done.

Perhaps communication to those in the queue could have been better, but this is not Thorpe’s fault and I’m sure that they wanted the ride closed for the day as little as anyone. It’s a shame that the ride had to have an issue after what seemed like a very successful and well organised opening day.
I’m usually the first to lay into Merlin and I’m as cynical as they come when it comes to timing and motivation of major corporate companies.

That said, what do you think the morning process is? They test the rides before they open, if they discover an issue they presumably try to resolve it before declaring that it isn’t going to be resolved by COB and then make an announcement.

Given the above, how would you suggest that they do it differently, unless you’re of the opinion that they knew about this earlier and deliberately left it until now to make the announcement?
Inform the queue line staff what’s going on?

Announce it to the guests on park before sticking it on Twitter and having people find out that way?

There’s better ways it could’ve been handled.
They let people in at 9:30 without telling anyone ON PARK it was closed.

Excuses for the breakdown is one thing, there is NO excuse for zero communication to people who've been stood there for over an hour.

Inferno not open yet either.

but they have communicated it! They’ve made a post on their socials and stated that it won’t open again today, what more communication is needed?

I get the frustration I really do but the only way they’ve done something wrong here is if they knew about the issue previously and decided to wait until everyone had arrived to make it known.
Damn..this is going to overload the next few weekends now isn't it 😭

Think I'll just be happy with 1 ride over the weekend I'm there.. Think last ride Saturday and First ride Sunday might be best and use the rest of the time for rerides elsewhere in the park
Inform the queue line staff what’s going on?

Announce it to the guests on park before sticking it on Twitter and having people find out that way?

There’s better ways it could’ve been handled.

Working on the assumption that they made a decision at 9-30, what difference does it make whether they verbally tell people in the queue line or announce it on Twitter which virtually everyone in the queue will have been on at the time anyway?