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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

It’s very difficult to project a message across a theme park. Especially as the queue would likely be from the ride up to the dome. Bar walking down the line or announcing on the app/social media there isn’t much they can do really.

We don’t know the full story, perhaps the issue manifested itself during testing this morning? For all we know it could have happened 5 minutes before they announced it.

The park has a specific park-wide announcement system. Unfortunately the announcement came in after 10am.

So no. They can do that.
The park has a specific park-wide announcement system. Unfortunately the announcement came in after 10am.

So no. They can do that.
Not everyone can hear though. The hustle and bustle of a busy theme park can mask announcements quite easily. I get what you are saying but still, can be a challenge.

I propose they tell the first person in the queue and tell them to pass it on. So we end up with at the end:

“Hyperia is closed today purple monkey dishwasher”
Even if the engineers were on site early, I’m sure that there was a bit of persistence to try and solve whatever issue it may be having rather than just instantly throwing in the towel, which would explain the 9:30 announcement. I’m sure that closing the ride all day was a definite last resort.

They may also have done the “closed all day” announcement so as not to get people’s hopes up about how quickly it can be fixed. It’s better to underpromise and overdeliver than get people’s hopes up.
If Thorpe has a similar set up to Towers then tech services start at 6am.

I think people on here assume “testing” is just turning the ride on and pressing a big “test” button. It isn’t. It takes time to test all systems and check the daily structural inspections.

I would hazard a guess this was only seen this morning and then it took an hour or so to evaluate the impact.
Interesting it’s the tip of tbe lift hill being worked on. As we went over the top there was a definite grinding sound (row 4) but didn’t think anything of it
So I went yesterday afternoon, got to the park for 1:30 and managed to get on Hyperia twice and the rest of the park. Easily one of the best days I've had at Thorpe in years, such a great atmosphere even right up until 10:30pm. I'll share my thoughts later on.

I am absolutely gutted for Thorpe to read they can't get it open today. After such a successful opening and running flawlessly pretty much all day yesterday this is a big blow for the park.

I got told by an operator the shutdowns yesterday were mainly issues with the gates which were tripping the ride out, so would be interested to know the issues today.
Would be an even more Blackpool thing to do then if they claim Big one is now the tallest despite it also being closed. Imagine the park and fans being so salty about the height record as if height makes Big one a better ride. The elements alone on Hyperia make it a 50x better ride than Blackpools fast monorail
I've sold monorails to Blackpool, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map!
If the ride has had some sort of issue during morning testing, I don’t really see what else Thorpe Park could have done.

Perhaps communication to those in the queue could have been better, but this is not Thorpe’s fault and I’m sure that they wanted the ride closed for the day as little as anyone. It’s a shame that the ride had to have an issue after what seemed like a very successful and well organised opening day.
There is nothing else they could have done.
They arrive on shift, begin testing, find an issue, try to fix it in time for opening, unable to, so make the announcement.
You can't have staff going round telling people something might be wrong, as this will start rumours of safety and bad management.

It's all down to people with unrealistic expectations and being a bit of a "Karen". :rolleyes: