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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Managed to get two rides on it yesterday in the end.

First time was first row and so smooth, second time was second row and there was a lot of rattle which was a shame. Could be a mixture of things: different train, different row or just the fact it was later in the day.

Did notice the chain lift was quite load yesterday and lots of squeaking coming from the drive wheels but it didn’t ‘sound’ broken (but I’m not an engineer of course) plus it was like that all day so you’d have thought it is was in indication of an issue one of the engineers onsite would’ve picked up on it.
It's all down to people with unrealistic expectations and being a bit of a "Karen". :rolleyes:
This coming from a person that hasn’t travelled all the way to the park just to ride it. It’s always the people talking who aren’t affected by it. I’m sure your ‘it is what it is’ attitude would be different if it impacted you
This coming from a person that hasn’t travelled all the way to the park just to ride it. It’s always the people talking who aren’t affected by it. I’m sure your ‘it is what it is’ attitude would be different if it impacted you
I don’t deny that the situation is gutting for the people who came to ride Hyperia, and I do feel for them. But there is ultimately very little the park could have done about it other than possibly communicated better with those on park, so ultimately, it is what it is, unfortunately.

In terms of whether I’d feel the same if I was there; I’d like to think I would. While perhaps not quite comparable, I had a somewhat similar poor experience due to factors outside of the park’s control when I went to Alton After Dark on 23rd March. That day, it was windy, rides were going down constantly for weather delays, I got on 3 rides in around 8 hours, and I waited 2.5 hours for Wicker Man at the end of the day. That was not a particularly brilliant day, but I didn’t take it out on the park or blame them or get angry at them because I knew this was down to factors outside of their control.
All they had to do was at 9:30 when they started letting people in the plaza into the park was inform people NOT to go to Hyperia as it was closed.

Not sure how far people got before being turned around. We got to Lost City when first found out by a member of public.

Was a dreadful way to start things off.
All they had to do was at 9:30 when they started letting people in the plaza into the park was inform people NOT to go to Hyperia as it was closed.

Not sure how far people got before being turned around. We got to Lost City when first found out by a member of public.

Was a dreadful way to start things off.
Are things going better now @Benzin?
No but unlike everyone on here it seems I actually sympathise with the people who’ve wasted a lot of time and money
It's fine to feel for those who may have travelled far and will rightly be disappointed. However, these things are out of control.

I'm sure you don't mean it, but your posts in this thread come across as if Thorpe management purposely thought, 'Let's not open Hyperia and watch them moan, hahaha' for the lolz. I'm sure Thorpe would have liked Hyperia to open today, but sometimes, things are beyond their control.

Communication could have been improved, and it looks like even staff were unaware, so there are some problems there that Thorpe needs to get their act together. Ultimately, it's an uncontrollable situation with a broken-down ride not being signed off by tech service and a bit of a mess in managing the aftermath. The criticism toward Thorpe Park here is the poor communication in the park and managing compensation to guests.

Thorpe's gotta Thorpe.
I will say - as one of the people who did spend a lot of money to come today, I hold no ill will whatever about the ride not opening. The fact is these things happen and if there’s even the slightest hint of an issue that could affect safety they are absolutely right to close it.

I do have an issue with how it was communicated and how staff were being expected to handle it without proper direction from management.
I'm sure you don't mean it, but your posts in this thread come across as if Thorpe management purposely thought, 'Let's not open Hyperia and watch them moan, hahaha' for the lolz. I'm sure Thorpe would have liked Hyperia to open today, but sometimes, things are beyond their control.
I think it’s likely that whatever problem was identified yesterday they decided to get through the opening day and were going to work on resolving throughout today
No but unlike everyone on here it seems I actually sympathise with the people who’ve wasted a lot of time and money
It seems to me more like you just wanted to slam Thorpe Park. Your posts were very much about slating the park and you even called them “a pathetic excuse of a park”.

That’s not showing sympathy for the guests, that’s just using this situation as an excuse to slag the park off and vent and rage. You haven’t said anything along the lines of feeling sorry for kids who might have been really looking forward to the ride and are feeling massively disappointed today. You didn’t express any sympathy for people that might have set out before sunrise today to drive for several hours to get to the park. You just went in to a rage, ranted, and then doubled down when people correctly told you that this was an extremely unfortunate situation all round and that the park would likely have been doing all they could to not be in, and probably tried to handle a bad situation as best they could.
I think it’s likely that whatever problem was identified yesterday they decided to get through the opening day and were going to work on resolving throughout today
How did you come to that conclusion?

If they knew it was going to be down today the queue would’ve been shut from opening and people would know either before they arrived or as soon as they got to security.
They don’t actually need to give out anything to anyone or refunds. I think people are forgetting that.

I thought I was reading the FB annual pass holders page.

Annoying - Yes.
Do I have sympathy? Yes.

Jeez though, there are some over reactions. Would people prefer it was opened when not safe to do so?

Also the closure of Hyperia was announced prior to park actually opening.
In hindsight they might wonder if it was a good idea having 2 late night openings in a row straight off the bat, especially yesterday after a busy morning/afternoon. Easy to say in hindsight though, and I suppose this issue could have just happened completely by chance this morning whether it had been run so much the previous day or not. I can understand why they did it though as they wanted to get as many people as possible having the chance to ride on opening day. Just one of those things I suppose. That nagging feeling might be there at the back of their minds though.
I think it’s likely that whatever problem was identified yesterday they decided to get through the opening day and were going to work on resolving throughout today
Sigh, back with the magical all knowing mechanics.
The important question is what went wrong, from what it sounds like it is the lift hill, I don't think they had maitsnence constantly watching the lift hill yesterday seeing if it was working well my guess is that something is wearing quicker than expected requiring investigation or something is not working right, this would only be noticed if you saw the components something which happened each day to all the rides.
I am at the park today and I have no ill will, I traveled far but it is a new ride and after it's first day with the public something went wrong. Can't really be helped
All jokes aside this absolute mess, shambles, embarrassment, pathetic excuse of a park had the audacity to make this announcement at 9:30 when some people have likely travelled hundreds of miles. Enough with this crap free return deal too if you live far away you’re not just going to come back. Also what about pass holders? Why do Merlin never consider the loyal fans that buy passes and don’t get any compensation when this happens. Dreadful and shocking communication all round. This could never be Towers…Thorpe humbled real quickly

You have lost it mate, you don't have a clue. To call it a pathetic excuse of a park is insane.

Yesterday was probably the best organised opening day for a major coaster. So many people were saying it was their best ever day in the park and that's after queueing for 5hours plus.

Yeh its gutting it's closed today but they haven't done it on purpose or any other nonsense you are talking about.

When was the last time you went to thorpe? It's massively improved over the last 2/3 years.