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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Like most of the S*n's headlines, it's technically correct but certainly misleading. Indefinitely *means* the ride is closed and no reopening date is announced (true). Indefinitely *implies* that it will be closed for the foreseeable future (misleading). Unfortunately a lot of people don't know how to read a news headline critically and will just take it at face value.
We are not simply waiting for the passage of time for Hyperia to reopen.

We are waiting for a change in circumstances, things - potentially a large number of things - need to happen, need to go right, to trigger a reopening. Nobody knows when those things will slot into place. Not Thorpe, not Mack, not the Sun, not TS...nobody.

Therefore the closure is totally indefinite. It's closed until it isn't, and there is no date currently set for that.

Yes, testing is a positive sign, but in terms of reopening, it tells us nothing if we don't know how much testing is planned, what's actually being tested, and how things will look if testing shows that the fix isn't satisfactory, or brings up other problems. Similarly, a date in T&C's doesn't reveal anything if we don't know what the T&C's look like after that date.

I hate the Sun with a passion, but they're doing more of a public service regarding Hyperia's closure than Thorpe are managing. Already Thorpe have had to apologise for using language that made the closure appear to not be indefinite.

At this moment in time, and for the past few weeks, there is not a single visit date you could choose, from now until the sun swallows the earth, that will be within the known operating dates of Hyperia. Because it's dates of operation...are entirely unknown.
We are waiting for a change in circumstances, things - potentially a large number of things - need to happen, need to go right, to trigger a reopening. Nobody knows when those things will slot into place. Not Thorpe, not Mack, not the Sun, not TS...nobody.
I think it's very unlikely that this is true - Thorpe/Mack almost certainly know when they're likely to be able to reopen, they'll 100% have a date that they're working towards. For them, the closure is in no way indefinite, to the letter of the word's meaning, and never was. They just won't announce a date in case it slips, which it already has.

Technically they didn't announce a date the first time ("won't open before 8th June", not "will reopen 8th June"), they just arguably didn't make their wording clear enough for the majority, and did raise false hope. Hence they're now not gonna say "it won't open before X", or "we're hoping to open on Y". They've finally learnt.

Internally, however, there'll absolutely be a deadline being aimed for, and therefore the closure cannot be regarded as indefinite.
Testing again this morning

Been in this hellscape cattlepen queue to get into the park for half an hour now, grisly.
The security queue? I'm staying at the hotel next weekend. Is there separate security queue for that?

If it's the same queue I'll go straight to rides and leave luggage in boot. If it lets me jump a massive queue, I'll drop off at cabin reception and go to rides after
The security queue? I'm staying at the hotel next weekend. Is there separate security queue for that?

If it's the same queue I'll go straight to rides and leave luggage in boot. If it lets me jump a massive queue, I'll drop off at cabin reception and go to rides after
Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't,they aren't consistent with it.
That said regardless once at the tables, if you have a bag you get searched and go through , no bag and your wanded.