We visited Rulantica last Wednesdays (31st May) and spent 12 hours there, which felt like 5 minutes. The new area is massive, increasing the number of loungers by a significant amount. The water park was a lot busier than last year as well, with the bigger rides getting up to 20 minute queues, but again, we did everything we wanted to, and got numerous re-rides.
We stopped in the Komfort Hydda's Odin 2 again, and the Hydda Loft is an excellent edition. It does feel like there is two levels of Komfort Hydda's now, as the early ones do not have any windows, while the ones at the end do. I did not realise that the Hydda Loft was an additional construction project to the other new areas, and while it was finished inside, the outside was still being finished.
The new area is a lot cooler than the main Komfort Hydda's which makes it nice to just go and have a lay down in if the main area is to hot, and the free drinking water is also really good. You get four bottles free, and we just refilled these throughout the day. The toilets are also air conditioned, and being within the area make it less of a trek than before, and the kids could go by themselves.
The other change, is there is a new guest experience area, which you go to after checking in, and they then take you to the Komfort Hydda.
The new Vikingløp were a lot faster than I was expected, but really good fun. The straight bits where you can see each other are good but to short. I would give Annabelle a few seconds head start, so I could try and catch her up. I understand why they have the age limit as 10+ as it does go quite fast and you get a lot of water splashed up, so even though Daisy was above the height limit, it was not something I would feel comfortable with her going on.
Tønnevirvel is also a great little ride, but take googles as you will get splashed a lot. Whether on the ride or watching, it is lots of fun. Quite a clever ride system which rises up and down to get in to the water. It does not spin so fast that you feel sick, but enough to make it fun. I think I had to much fun on this ride getting Lisa and Annabelle.