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[2025] Toxicator: New Forbidden Valley Suspended Top Spin

Don’t get how single riders will actually work on Toxicator. Imagine only like 2 single riders per cycle and 100 people in the queue. That’s 50 cycles and it’ll be about 4 mins per dispatch so 200 mins😭 it’ll be longer than the main queue
I really doubt that this will be the case
IMO, Toxicator might be intimidating to certain types of people, some of whom may be in groups. Let's say only one person in a group of five wants to go on, then the single rider queue is going to be a blessing.
If they're batching a single rider per every uneven group then sure but that takes capacity away from the main queue if they're just filling the row to the max and if there's 1 or 2 spare at the end then you'll be waiting all day.
The way I see it, with Spinball/Smiler/Galactica you effectively get 1 chance for a SRQ spot every 4 seats dispatched. With this it's 1 in 19 at best, with a good batcher more like 1 in 38. I'd estimate SRQ capacity at 20/hr max.
If they're batching a single rider per every uneven group then sure but that takes capacity away from the main queue if they're just filling the row to the max and if there's 1 or 2 spare at the end then you'll be waiting all day.
This is exactly what I mean. Let’s say theres 3 seats left to be filled in the row, realistically they should be getting a group of 3 from the main queue not a group of 2 and a single rider
Don’t get how single riders will actually work on Toxicator. Imagine only 2 single riders per cycle and 100 people in the queue. That’s 50 cycles and it’ll be about 4 mins per dispatch so 200 mins😭 it’ll be longer than the main queue
I think it may also be more than 2 riders per cycle, on rita they are often trying to get groups of 2 and can struggle to find one close to the station, if there was 2 spaces left on both sides, they may just send 4 single riders as finding a group of 2 can take a while (and when not in an elevated position, which ritas station provides it can be difficult to see far enough back) all rides deal with this, I have seen it on nemesis struggling to find a group of 2 to fill the last row.
I think it may also be more than 2 riders per cycle, on rita they are often trying to get groups of 2 and can struggle to find one close to the station, if there was 2 spaces left on both sides, they may just send 4 single riders as finding a group of 2 can take a while (and when not in an elevated position, which ritas station provides it can be difficult to see far enough back) all rides deal with this, I have seen it on nemesis struggling to find a group of 2 to fill the last row.
All just comes down to group numbers doesn’t it. For 19 people sat in a row all you need is 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3, you wouldn’t even need any 2s in that scenario
So down to luck. Like every single other SRQ in existence.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
They should’ve put a single queue on a high capacity coaster like Nemesis where the queue will move at a good pace not a low capacity flat ride where a single queue will barely move
They should’ve put a single queue on a high capacity coaster like Nemesis where the queue will move at a good pace not a low capacity flat ride where a single queue will barely move

That’s been discussed ad-infinitum, they have returned the SRQ’s to most coasters but Nemesis has no space for SRQ on the on-load side of the station and when SRQ was on the exit side it probably slowed dispatches more than it helped.
I wonder whether the SRQ has not been added to aid in filling odd gaps and make the ride more inclusive to more guests (e.g. families with a parent who wants to ride solo). It could be the case that they will always use X number of single riders per cycle depending on queue length, not too dissimilar to X number of Fastrack/RAP per cycle. The only downfall is that guests in the main queue will have to wait longer.
The SRQ is not meant to be a fast track route onto the ride. Yes it often makes going on a ride quicker but I can't imagine that's the selling point Alton Towers are going for. If we expect that most groups are even then there is a chance that 2 out of 38 riders are coming from the SRQ. This works out at about 5% of the capacity of the ride which is pretty significant. It also stops the moans from guests in the queue questioning why there are empty seats when the queue is over an hour long. I also expect it's easier for the staff to use the single rider queue to fill gaps rather than shouting down the queue line is there anyone in a group of x.

I do half expect that once the hype has gone away, SRQ on Toxicator may only be used for high volume days but we will have to wait and see. I personally think this is a great direction from the park and hope it's something they add into all future rides. I'm pretty sure if they hadn't bothered everyone would be moaning that they didn't include one so they can't really win.
definitely a different cycle in the media videos than the one they were testing it with a few weeks ago. wonder if that was an actual cycle or just for testing purposes - and how they'll decide which one to use
They mention in the video above that it will operate on multiple cycles including optional fountain soaking depending on the weather.
Hugely relieved by this, it’ll be great fun to watch people get soaked in the summer and I’ll enjoy riding it on the cooler days.

Really like the look of the whole thing. I think the barrels in the queue look a bit lonely, and it would’ve been cool to see the Nemesis drill repurposed here as a way that the Phalanx harvest the saliva, but overall this looks like a really well themed supporting thrill ride.
In all fairness, it does look excellently executed. There looks to be a lot of nice little details strewn around the queue line and area!

I do agree that there appear to be a couple of dead spots in the queue that could do with plugging (perhaps another big theming item near the barrels?), but given Merlin’s prior track record of adding things in and adjusting things post-opening, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some more added.

As I say, I was sceptical about the platform, but I have to say that the ride does look to fit in Forbidden Valley really well now it’s up and fully themed!

I’m still a bit unsure on whether I’ll overly enjoy the ride itself, not generally being a huge fan of flat rides, but it certainly gets a big thumbs up from me in terms of theming from what I’ve seen!