So, the final stretch for this first stage of Project Horizon is hopefully here. Tomorrow a 'Late Representations Report' will be uploaded which details any changes made to an application that is set to be discussed at the following day's planning committee meeting. Usually (but not always) these are done where the initial recommended decision is to refuse permission for the application, in order to persuade the committee to approve, so I'd be surprised to see anything related to PH being included. Yes the approval is dependent on a list of conditions but the park have been pretty proactive, especially with last week's huge documentation update so I'm not sure it'll be necessary to submit anything new at this stage. But then again, I was pretty convinced that this would get refused planning permission, at least without moving the show building further from the Flag Tower, so anything is possible!
Where do we go from here?
Looking ahead, hopefully the Committee goes with the recommendation to approve this application on Thursday afternoon and then attention can turn to looking out for an application relating to the restoration of the Orangery. Remember, this must be submitted and approved prior to any non-demolition work relating to PH taking place. For reference the most recent 'heritage' application for the restoration of the Banqueting Hall window was given approval approximately two months after being submitted (08/04/2019 to 11/06/2019), with similar time frames for both the Grand Conservatory and Prospect Tower restoration projects. Obviously that time frame doesn't include getting the plans drawn up prior to submission, which will presumably be done by CTD Architects given their involvement in both the aforementioned Grand Conservatory and Prospect Tower projects at the park. This is of course assuming the park didn't commission CTD to also draw up plans for the Orangery when they were working on the Grand Conservatory, given the similarities between the two buildings.
When will construction begin
In terms of trying to work out a time frame for when approval will be given and construction on Project Horizon can begin, it's a tricky one. The difference between the conservation/heritage projects and applications for new rides and attractions is that the former will be delegated decisions so approval won't be dependent on there being a Planning Committee meeting. Instead Staffordshire Moorlands District Council will consult both their own/SSC's in-house conservation teams and Historical England before granting or denying approval accordingly. But with the two month time frame being fairly consistent we'll have some sort of educated guess as and when the application is submitted. I don't imagine the park will be hanging around too long after getting the green light before getting to work.