So's a cracking effort for an event especially under the current circumstances. There was a moment on Friday, sat in the sunshine on the lawns with the oompah music playing where dare I say the park seemed to have its magic back.
Food was by miles the biggest letdown for me. There was a
massive opportunity to have a street food market style offering. Cheap, snacky food like bratwurst, pretzels and currywurst would've been ideal. Sell at a lower cost, but make a fortune thanks to the quantity people are buying - and most importantly keep people going back for more throughout the day. But £8 for a bratwurst sausage in a soft roll is frankly daylight robbery. It's a shame, at more sensible prices I'd have been happy to spend a fortune, but instead ended up at Burger Kitchen and Fried Chicken and didn't spend anything on the lawns. Judging by how well the event has gone down, I'd really hope to see them served in house next year. Moving staff from permanent outlets which are traditionally quiet after the lunchtime rush over to the lawns would do if staffing would be an issue. Complete agree with
@AstroDan's review when he mentioned expanding the unique offerings across the park too.
I'm sure they could quite easily make Spaten a regular drink throughout the season, there was certainly plenty of it being bought judging by the number of times I ended up at the bar in the middle of a barrel change! For the love of god please, we're all so damn bored of Stella and Fosters!
Another thing touched on in Dan's review, the lack of an offering including discount on the lawns was annoying to say the least. I would've liked to seen drinks offered with AP discount at a minimum, the walk to the courtyard soon became pretty tiresome. Surely one that could be brought in house next year, and even better left around for fireworks too? MAP holders have been severely restricted this season as it is, this just felt like a bit more knife twisting on top.
Biggest surprise has to be the entertainment. The roaming characters were superb, lots of interaction with guests and really helped with the atmosphere. The other stages were more an annoyance than anything else, I'd sooner have had one central stage as the sound wasn't always the best from the ones at the side. Not sure if it's solely covid related or if there was an intention to do this from the outset, but the sudden change in where people were performing was pretty jarring.
If there's any positive to this Coronavirus thing, it's forced the park to work harder and think outside the box to make their money. Getting x number of guests through the gates is no longer the most important thing, it's about making sure those guests that you can get in spend a decent amount of money when they're there. Sure the likes of Fastrack is an attempt at this, but for many it leaves a sour taste as its either hideously expensive or directly affects their day as their queue time increases as a result. But a decent event offering with lots of F+B benefits everyone, on the face of it is free and gives people something else to do if those queue times are high.
I'm really hoping that it's given the park the confidence to splash out on events like this in future with consideration given to giving guests an all round
experience like a theme park should. It's clear there's a massive appetite for things like this, and people are willing to turn up to the park, do some rides and most importantly for the park spend some more money buying more food, drink and stay over. I'm especially looking at you Scarefest, post maze spooky bars, street food and fire-pits? That few quid spent on a maze ticket suddenly turns into £15-£20 spent having a drink, quick snack and talking about the maze with your mates.
Get the marketing right next year, and I feel the resort could really turn a corner on the events front. Fingers crossed!