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Been a victim of flooding recently?


TS Administrator
Favourite Ride
Steel Vengeance
The country has seen very adverse weather conditions in the past few months, and it has been common to hear stories of entire communities being under water, losing their lives to these devastating conditions.

We look to various schools of thought for answers; global warming, mass climate change...



That's right folks!! Gay marriage has ruined peoples lives, washed away towns, eroded cliffs and made our country a misery.

I'm so glad I finally know why all this has come about!

Honestly? I respect people have different views, and they're entitled to their opinions, but where is the line drawn at downright ludicrous??
Oh, wow. I doubt even the archbishop of Canterbury could share that view. I am truly impressed that the gentleman in question expected the prime minister to take his claims seriously. Or anyone, for that matter.

Having said that, he is a councillor for Henley on Thames, which is an ultra conservative area.
I was gobsmacked when I read this story earlier. How on earth do these people reach positions of power? I may have to point the husband in the direction of this topic. He usually has something to say!
I am waiting for a page from the bible to be found saying

"To my dearest candy

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.
Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead,
is purely coincidental."
Just how?

How anyone in a position of power should have such archaic, offensive, ridiculous and awful opinions is just awful.
I do wonder, how many of TST are religious? Id love to hear from people who hold religious views and to how they marry (dum dum tis) with this guys zealot like takings of the bible. I honestly thought it was only really America (GO MURCA) who held these types of views, Ive got some friends who are religious and ive spoken to a very strong believing Jew and he never once started spouting this sort of rubbish, also Ive got a very Christian Christian (runs the church junior club thing) and even she said she only takes parts of the bible, and still believes in evolution) and while the Jewish friend believe they had things like Carbon dating wrong he isnt this crazy but with the indoctrination in schools that are teaching creationism rather than Evolution in biology etc I feel that America et al are even more prone to this sort of thing.

But I do often look at religion and wonder how people pick and choose the parts of the bible (or holy text to them) that they want, and care to ignore the other sections, an article I read recently brought this home with a transgender lady inviting a city council member to stone her to death for the time she, as a man, had laid with another man. Rather than take her up on her offer he quickly retracted his bill to revoke some LGBT rights, her point was to prove that he was truly following the bibles word rather than masking or using it as a shield for his own prejudices. (Links below, like a good guy posting my sources)

I am truly looking forward to the Bill Nye - Ken Ham debate on evolution vs creationism that is coming round early next month, in part due to the bashing Im hoping they will give (similar to the Stephen fry - Anne Widicolm debate on weather the church was a force for good) but also to see a view point that I truly dont understand.

I also cannot understand what might be in this creationist museum?! Jesus's sock? Gods underpants?! Marys intact hymen?! (This was my, lighten the post section, hope I didn't offend anyone too much)

One last thing, Sorry if my post is a little disjointed, its a topic I enjoy discussing, and although I never really get much further with it, its always a fun debate as its often one people are passionate about!


I heard a few homosexual couples are going to get wed in drought ridden countries. one is quoted saying "Well, If we have the super power to flood the uk. we might as well use it responsibly and give rain to people that really need it"

suspended UKIP Councillor David Silvester, was unavailable for comment on homosexuals using god wrath for good.
Blaming gays for the flooding is about as daft as blaming climate change.

Weather is not climate, climate is measured over decades or century's or even longer and whilst we seem to be on a warming cycle at the moment (in fact since the last ice age) it's still open to debate about any human influence on it.
95 percent of scientists don't agree either that's a myth peddled by media or governments with a vested interest.
I read somewhere that it was actually Margret Thatcher that was first persuaded of the advantages of pushing the climate change agenda as it was a fantastic way of raising more tax and pandering to the left at the same time, a win win if you like, who is going to object to more tax to save the planet?

In my 39 years I can remember floods, heat waves and deep snow fall and there is not any difference between now or 30 years ago weather wise despite what you read in any dramatising newspapers.

There's a campaign to get Raining Men to number one on Sunday. I'd tell you all to buy it but most of you probably already own it on all formats. :p
In all seriousness, this current blame culture does my head in. I've read/heard people saying the Government should have done more to prevent the floods. Ermmmm, hasn't this been the wettest winter in centuries? I don't anyone could have predicted it'd be this bad.
There's a very simple solution. Don't build on areas called flood plains.
Danza91 said:
In all seriousness, this current blame culture does my head in. I've read/heard people saying the Government should have done more to prevent the floods. Ermmmm, hasn't this been the wettest winter in centuries? I don't anyone could have predicted it'd be this bad.

Well you can start by not cutting budgets for flood defenses.