In recent years, the investments have been as follows;There has been investment in the Pleasure Beach but any big new investment that would appeal to new guests have too far in between. Not saying what they have done is bad, but just not enough.
Re-paints and new paving (and fountains) are great, but ride quality is far more important for quests to feel that they have had a good day there.
That particular one is from where the turnaround was reprofiled by Allot & Lomax in '96/97.As for the support, I'm guessing that it has been modified to fit in with the track's shape? It could be a sign of the track moving, however it has been retracked in several sections over the years, so maybe the new section of track wasn't quite the same and therefore the support had to be modified accordingly.
The turnaround (and first drop) were profiled badly by Arrow initially, but that was rectified. This has been the case with lots of rides over the years, even much newer ones which have required tinkering over the years (Smiler's track not lining up during construction comes to mind as an example).
I know someone is going to say something about Nick Land and Wallace & Gromit, and they'd be right. Nick Land was a nice refresh of a tired looking Beaver Creek, but Wallace & Gromit was a step back for me, it's far too bland in between the scenes and needs something else, I guess this where the hand-wavy word "charm" comes in, that Goldmine had.
I stopped reading at "Hot Ice".![]() And this earlier clue, It all makes sense now...
I loved the plug for Hot Ice, I was waiting for an announcement for a new fountain or a new glazed balustraded walkway.
I honestly don't believe this has anything to do with them getting a mack launch coaster people read into things way to much in my opinion.
I do often wonder does the park care more about the Ice show than the park itself when they plug the show more than the park on many media platforms including there new advertising board on the casino building.
Or you know, it's a joke.
Hot Ice has always been Amanda's personal project. As far as I know (don't hold me to this), that's all she's ever wanted to do with her career, and she never wanted to be in charge of the whole park. It was rather unfortunate for her (and us) that her old man died and she got lumbered with a family business she didn't want or care about. Sadly, this shows.
Hot Ice has always been Amanda's personal project. As far as I know (don't hold me to this), that's all she's ever wanted to do with her career, and she never wanted to be in charge of the whole park. It was rather unfortunate for her (and us) that her old man died and she got lumbered with a family business she didn't want or care about. Sadly, this shows.