Plastic Person
TS Member
Ha, my post was meant to imply that CWOA is a better zoo right now than it is a theme park. Although admittedly, I've yet to canvass the opinions of the animals.
It wasn't actually me that said that the theme park ruined the zoo, as I don't actually think it did; areas of Chessington Zoo such as ZUFARI are particularly nice, and the other enclosures are definitely good for the animals that live in them. It's my Nan who's always been against Chessington becoming a theme park. She says that she thinks that the rides going round would stress the animals out; to be fair, the last time she visited was when Safari Skyway was being built, so she probably presumes that the rides and animals are very close to one another. Even so, I think she's a bit against the rides+animals combo in general, although that might have something to do with the fact that she's always loved zoos and animal attractions, whereas she's never been to a theme park and has never had any plans to do so.Sorry I meant in response to the idea that changing it into a theme park ruined the zoo in Matt’s post, didnt spot your post. The redevelopment did it a favour.
The modern-day entrance fee also horrified her given that she apparently used to pay £3.50 to get in!
It's called inflationI remember once when you could buy a chocolate bar for 2 shillings (10p), now-a-days a chocolate bar cost 10 x the amount
areas of Chessington Zoo such as ZUFARI are particularly nice,
One thing I did note was the rhinos enjoying the water on the track, which the truck had to drive though, is this the only water they have, so they get disrupted from their natural behaviour every few minutes when they are drinking and bathing to make way for the vehicle.
For sure, rhinos seem to like a good mud bath! Which is why it seems odd to have the truck need to go through it. It disrupted them a lot on our ride, was a bit worried about the rhino getting aggressive with the truck which was rolling forward slowly to encourage it to move. I more meant i would've expected them to have some pond water to themselves where they won't be disturbed. Perhaps it's not a common issue, I've only ridden it once. (And know nothing about animal care).They should have drinking troughs.
Our cat is the same, he will drink from puddles and anything that has dirty water in as oppose to drinking from out of his water bowl
@ElectricBill has had a repaint and a scrub up and rebranded as @TakeYourMedicine, but unlike Bubbleworks, retains his original charm.On a slightly related note, whilst watching @ElectricBill’s (pretty sure that’s his TS username) Bubbleworks Documentary, I saw this image of old Transylvania. In the background is a sign that mentions “the Hall of Names”. Does anyone know what this was?
Last year? That is rather a long time to be in a queue...I joined the queue for Zufari last year