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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

In the interests of balance, the Safari Hotel restaurant has been reinspected by the council on 3rd August and been given a 5 star hygiene rating.

From the Mr Pedantic angle...you might get three top attractions in during that very quiet hour at the start of the day,
The thing is with this option now, there are obviously some people who will pay. Now I stayed in the hotel 2 weeks ago, and during the hour, it was about a 10-15m queue for mandrill and ostrich (didn't do mamba strike). Now doing the hour I did manage to do mandrill 3 times + ostrich and then go queue for dragons fury early, but with the extra people this will be bringing in, (which will be quite a lot id imagine) it won't be that quiet. you could still probably get 3 rides on Mandrill, saving the need for the virtual queue. But is that really worth the extra £20 on top of day tickets? I guess it would be most valuable for parents with young kids, as some of the kids rides do get very long queues.
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Yet other parks operate a system where there is no fast track but a free virtual queue or slot reservation system it works really well. Both Energylandia and Liseberg use reservation systems that work well.

Obviously every park is slightly different but I don’t see why a ride reservation system in principle couldn’t work.
Tokyo Disney also has something like this too and it works great.

Now onto the new early access thing...

This is such a horrible idea...

People already complain about the amount of things open between 9 and 10, imagine having to suffer that with long queues due to early access...

I swear to god they're trying to sabotage that place... Why can't we just have something nice without being too money grabby...

A day out at Chessington has become incredibly pricey, even without all of the extras.

It's no wonder people get annoyed when they arrive, only to have long wait times and broken rides...
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The reason Chessington keep doing things like this is because people will pay it.

Not to be all "in the middle of a cost of living crisis!" but it really stinks. Open a brand new coaster, make it difficult to ride for your average guest, and then charge people to guarantee a ride on it. Great news for the Surrey mums with their Chelsea tractors, tough shit for your average working class family.
This was always my biggest issue with the virtual queue. The annual pass holders (of which there are loads at Chessington) who know how it all works and know how to cheat the system (ie get several time slots throughout the day) will use up all slots and leave your average Joe family with nothing. Most people don’t put that much planning into a theme park visit. The fact that you can reserve when you’re off-site before you’ve even arrived at the park, makes it seem even more unfair.

Now Mandrill’s outreach has extended to include people who know how the system works, and people who are rich enough to think nothing of forking out an extra £20 for exclusivity. It all feels very wrong.
How is this going to work, then? Do the people who’ve paid £20 simply get early access to the virtual queue system, or do they get to ride Mandrill Mayhem without needing to use the virtual queue?

Is this likely to have any adverse effect on people who don’t pay for ERT, such as lengthening the virtual queue when it opens to the general populace at 9:45am? Or will it not affect the average guest outside of its times of operation?
How is this going to work, then? Do the people who’ve paid £20 simply get early access to the virtual queue system, or do they get to ride Mandrill Mayhem without needing to use the virtual queue?

Is this likely to have any adverse effect on people who don’t pay for ERT, such as lengthening the virtual queue when it opens to the general populace at 9:45am? Or will it not affect the average guest outside of its times of operation?

Virtual queue is not in operation during ERT. That said if MM has a physical queue of say 20mins at the end of ERT then it might impact on how long people with the early doors VQ slots wait before they ride.
That’s not as worse as I thought. There is a lot more than 100 hotel guests, so adding on an extra 100, which not all will queue for mm at the same time, means it shouldn’t be that bad. But it’s still bad they are even selling it.
It would help rectify any issues with Chessington not being able to build high enough. :p
Maybe the plan is to dig a hole so deep it pops out in Australia and they can absorb Dreamworld into the park to boost attraction numbers…
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I've thought about this before.

It would be cool to have a system where you could book your day before you get there, largely negating long queue times, however, this all falls apart if a ride breaks down, and with Chessington's reliability... Well...
What's the record for days without a breakdown?

I also feel like this is something that works well on paper over practice. All it takes is one attendant to be a bit slow and suddenly you're behind on a few virtual bookings, throwing the whole day into chaos...

On second thought, maybe this wouldn't be such a good idea...
haven't Disney tried something like this before?