TS Member
But you are, by going out unnecessarily.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—
(b)to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;
But you are, by going out unnecessarily.
But you can complete that exercise without driving(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—
(b)to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;
I can also complete that exercise by driving localy to get it somewhere.But you can complete that exercise without driving. Otherwise there's no difference (legally) between your suggestion, and my rural Chinese gym
The exercise itself is permitted the travel there and back is not. Seems fairly simple to me.How can they fine you if you are not breaking the law!
where is travel not permitted for exerciseThe exercise itself is permitted the travel there and back is not. Seems fairly simple to me.
You are worried about the spread of infection but will argue against complying with regulations to stop it. Seriously?
Your opinion on that is totally wrong. Noone should be out save for the legislated exceptions. It is the polices responsibility to enforce that and they should not be derided for doing so. The attitudes of the few on here give a pretty good clue as to why this is necessary!
And this is where you an I disagree, how is a single person on their own walking down a path breaking the law?
Nor am I wrong, I have a different opinion to yours, it's only taken a few posts for you to drop back into the "I know better than you, don't argue with me, I am right you are wrong" attitude that is so prevelant within the Police ranks now, you will not accept that someone else has a different interpretation of the regulations than you do, so instead of being polite and say, oh, talking about it, your default stance is "you are wrong", and you wonder why there is so much disdain and disrespect shown to the Police.
You said earlier that a lot of problems people experience with the Police is due to their attitude, look in the mirror, perhaps if you were less inclined to tell people that they are wrong and maybe, you know, talk to them like human beings and not suspects, you might not have the problems you do.
I can understand the need to split up groups of people who may be hanging around talking or walking together, but seriously, if you're now saying a single person walking down the road is enough due cause for a stop and account, then you are part of the reason why so many people won't engage with you.
You may have most of the forum on your side here, but out in the real world it's a completely different story.
where is travel not permitted for exercise
Im still waiting for some one to point out the legislation
Because if they don't have a reason to be out, as per the legislation, they are breaking the law. Your opinion on that, my opinion that, is an utter irrelevance. I can tell you you are wrong not because I have a superiority complex or want to argue, but because I know what the law is as can anyone who would like to take the trouble to read it. Little to nothing is left to interpretation.
If your approach to police is the same in real life as it is on here it'd be no wonder you've had some dissatisfaction with the response!
This is very true, but asking why someone is out doesn't really constitute harassment.Policing is done with consent so it's important it's done sensibly and proportionally.
People understand the purpose of the legislation and most will comply, but harassing people who are just walking to the shops or for their daily exercise (as they are permitted) is not a good way to keep the public onside.
and the same goes for you, if you go round telling people they are wrong just because you disagree with them, then it's no suprise they give you jip.
So now you've flip flopped again and are saying I'm allowed to go out for exercise?
My point in all this is, isn't there more important things for you to be doing than stopping people who are walking alone down the street? If you see a person walking alone and you have no other suspicion, shouldn't stopping them for interrogation be a low priority?
Surely by definition a person walking alone is complying with the legislation,
, you shouldn't need to stop them and demand to know what they are doing because anybody with an intelligence is going to either be sat on the sofa surfing the web, or out getting a bit of exercise. Nobody is going to go out, alone, to hold a sermon, or orgy or whatever, they're either getting exercise, or going to or from shopping
the last thing anybody needs is a big burly copper without PPE ignoring social distancing advice demanding to know what they are doing.
Yes if they were in a group, of course, but not on their own, this isn't North Korea yet...
If you bring in tighter regulations without a decent reason (the roads round here are deserted apart from people out shopping), then you're going find people comply even less.
This is very true, but asking why someone is out doesn't really constitute harassment.
Unfortunately, the advice seems to be falling on death ears, or ignorant people just think that it just don't apply to them.