Enter Valhalla
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thefatone said:It's opening times are awful, and gets an average of about 8 people an hour even when it is open. Not sure it'd affect things too much being closed.
Do you mean G-Force's opening hours? I believe G-Force requires a minimum of 6 or possibly 8 people in order for the ride to be sent, a number which I believe changes depending on the wind speed (don't quote me on that but I know for a fact it does need a minimum of 6).... so on the very quiet off peak day, and I'm talking about days of around 200 gate figures, G-Force will open from 12-4 which makes perfect sense really. If it opened outside of these hours on dead days there's no way they'd get enough people to send a ride which would mean the odd few guests sitting waiting for ages and getting annoyed at having to wait. By condencing the hours it means you're more likely to get enough people quicker to send the ride.
I believe during weekends and school holidays it is open all day.
I do agree though that it's capacity is abysmal, it's queue line horrible and on top of all that it's a very poor ride.