Not sure about the answers to all of your questions here except for Apocalypse as I know for a fact that's been operating, I've seen people posting their 2021 ride photos on it on Twitter - hopefully someone else knows the other answers!Anybody know if there are any delays in ride openings this year due to refurbishments or have all the headline attractions opened as usual?. Also has Apocalypse been operating after the information arose of its possible future sale, I’m heading over on Saturday so can’t wait to see all the improvements for myself, fantastic to have my most local park on the up again after a topsy turvey few years.
Thank you, my friend has still never braved apocalypse so that’s a bonus he doesn’t have an excuse this time! Let’s hope stand up floorless towers is running to really cheer him up even moreNot sure about the answers to all of your questions here except for Apocalypse as I know for a fact that's been operating, I've seen people posting their 2021 ride photos on it on Twitter - hopefully someone else knows the other answers!
Any updates of the new land refurb?
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Drayton retweeted this picture of the Shockwave station which looks quite neat:
And Theme Parks Vision Art also seem to have a video which includes views of some of the work in progress:
Oh it’s a long way to go yet then
Drayton retweeted this picture of the Shockwave station which looks quite neat:
And Theme Parks Vision Art also seem to have a video which includes views of some of the work in progress:
Looks like they have done a good job
Surely there's more than a wave swinger going on that piece of land? Looks big from the picture.
Zamperla Disco is the other strong rumour isn't it? Surely that's going to be going there too.
Oh have they knocked the other 4 downApocalypse only had one tower when I last looked.