Some really exciting updates over the last few weeks. That interview posted a bit back was an interesting read. Good to see they are trying to push attendance north of the 1 million mark. Building a brand new area from what was a rarely used grassy area is a great start in this, as that means more people can physically fit into the park on a general day to day basis, perfect foundation for growing attendance.
I am very intrigued about this major project for 2023. If Apocalypse goes at the end of the season, it has to be removed, then the ground prepared before any construction can begin, so you would loose a few months right there. Possibly pushing an opening date of anything major further into the 2023 season.
I personally can see two ways 2023 could go:
- New attraction on the Apocalypse / Pandemonium area, possibly a coaster.
- Something new in the space of the Pirate Adventure. Not sure what that could be yet, never even say never to a coaster, but unlikely I would say.
If stuff is already happening around the old Pirates area, that could be a possibility of the first area for redevelopment. The area not being open to the public currently, means they have a lot of time to build something major there. A huge amount of time they simply will not get on the Poccy site if it operates until the end of the season if they wanted something major on there for 2023.
I guess it also hinges on what their definition of a 'very big project' is. But I cannot see much going there that is 'very big' in terms of space and time. The footprint of Poccy, Pandemonium and even Flying Dutchman, is not that big space wise. But I accept big can mean things other than space. But you still have time to contend with.
I think though, Pirates and Poccy sites are two of the highest priority areas for development in the next few years. I think both will be re developed, question is, which one first. Exciting times for sure and I am sure that question will be clear later into this season.
I think this year, a season pass for me and my 7 year old is a must.
With Drayton being the crown in looping groups jewel's though, this is certainly a park to keep an eye on. They have made it abundantly clear that they plan to develop and grow the park.