Just got back from the park, blimey that place can make you exhausted on busy days.
The Haunting: the madhouse part was in terrible condition compared to 3 weeks ago. The music wasn't working, no sfx, and no smoke or head coming out of the coffin. Only the noise of the squeaky mechanics are present, which itself is Haunting I might say.
Sheriff Showdown and Accelerator were definitely the queue drawers today. Accelerator was all the way at the building facades entrance, while Sheriff Showdowns queue extended to the outside cattle pen.
The Zoo thankfully was quiet though, which is always great to have a walkthrough.
StormForce 10 seems to have the habit of frequently breaking down. It broke down twice today.
It seems that they're keeping up maintenance well of the River Rapids, excluding the fountain arch. That only really had 30 minute queues though.
Shockwave had quite a big queue on some occasions, but it's definitely running smoother than it was last year.
A new addition!! Pirate Live Actors going around the park, putting up shows such as juggling swords (obviously fake) photos opportunities with a mini dingy, and Music! The actors really seemed to enjoyed it which is always a plus for me
Now, onto Vikings!!
The Front entrance seems to have had a bit of paintwork done to it

The ride paintwork looks spending on one of the new flats!! And the Previous Buffalo Coaster Station building has also had some paintwork done as well.
Still sad that nothings been done with Pirate Adventures building yet. It'd be nice for a new Dark Water Ride, but it won't be for a good while I guess. Such potential the park is missing