I've never known any rides to be closed specifically to wind. I'd guess those rides most likely to be affected are those which are most likely to be suffering maintenance issues anyway!
Paid a visit yesterday as there was a teacher training day, originally had planned it to take the little lad back to BPB but the opportunity to really have a good go on the Vikings area without the full half term queues was too attractive.
Didn't seem like a good idea though when we first pitched up. The queues back from Entrance 3 were extensive 20 minutes after the gates opened. Lots of murmurings about Tesco vouchers as we progressed, not really slowly but not particularly quickly, towards the entrance. Then when in the park was pretty empty. Certainly not to the level that was expected by the queues. I think that someone triaging the queue would probably aid this quite quickly and directing folk to the booths where necessary.
The only queues then were for YoMomma/Buffalo/Jormungandr (5 cycles) and the Accelerator (15 minutes). Thor was walk on (and Stay on (8,9,12,13). Did Loki again, and we both just howled with laughter the whole time. It's just really fun.