In my honest opinion the park as a whole has had its pros and cons since the looping group took over, a few years before they did I always found the park to be a good balance for the family it was the kind of park you took the kids too and when they warmed up to the bigger rides you could then move and say Alton towers next trip for the bigger rides!
Since the looping group has taken over, I feel the theming in the new Viking areas and general vision of the park is top notch but for us as a family the removal of apocalypse, pandemonium and the new rides that have been replacing just haven’t packed a punch and there isn’t that next level ride type for the middle age kids before visiting other big uk parks.
Yes, as a fellow local (and also a new poster here), I share your views on that one. I loved Sky Flyer as a teenager, sadly its replacement, Pandemonium, went before my two boys could have a go of it!
They still love the rides in Thomas Land, but they’re at that age now where they’re looking for a little bit more. They’re not yet big enough for Shockwave or Maelstrom, but Apocalypse was a good fit for that awkward ‘in between’ stage.
Accelerator is all right, but my kids seem to struggle to get excited about it. I’m really not keen on the theming of it either; I presume it was just done in haste when the Ben 10 licensing ended.
Watching the development for the Viking’s area seemed exciting, but truthfully when they unveiled the rides they was having we was all left disappointed - and thought as a family we won’t renew our passes for next year.
We’ve renewed ours, but without Apocalypse next season, it’s going to seem strange. Hoping to at least see some early site development over the course of next year while we await an announcement on what’s going up in its place!
Thor is a good ride, and we all enjoy it, but it’s not really got the ‘big ride’ appeal.
I made a bit of a joke elsewhere that it sometimes seems as though Drayton Manor just go through the Zamperla stock catalogue with a red felt tip, like my kids do with the Smyths Toys catalogue in the run up to Christmas…
Hopefully the 5 year plan they will add some better rides than heavily themed average ones - it’s hard to Articulate the point im trying to get across but as a family of 5 regular visitors it just doesn’t seem to have the same feel as the park used too
I hope so too.
It’s clearly always been a family park, and that plan doesn’t seem to have changed. I loved the place as a kid, and as a teenager. As I went into adulthood, like many I expect, I didn’t really attend much… probably two or three times in the best part of a decade, but then when my partner and I had kids, we kind of rediscovered our fondness for the place. That fondness, of course, is tinged with nostalgia, and we know what they say about that…
Clearly the park needs another coaster. I quite liked G Force in fact, but sadly that didn’t work out as hoped in terms of ride quality or reliability.
I’d like to see them bring in a new drop tower at some point. Apocalypse effectively replaced the Para Tower, so to take it away and not replace it - even in the longer term - will leave a bit of a gap in the park’s ride selection.
The thing is, whatever they put there, it’s got some big shoes to fill in that it needs to have the aforementioned ‘big ride’ status that the Vikings area doesn’t really satisfy. It needs to somewhat fill the void left when G Force closed. It should fit the requirements of the younger kids who are slowly but surely outgrowing Thomas Land and are looking to progress to thrill rides.
Finally, and probably most importantly, it must be a worthy successor to Apocalypse. A lot of people had a soft spot for the ride, especially locally, so I’m hoping the park management are taking that into consideration.
One could also suggest that it must live up to the inevitable speculation and hype.
I’m reasonably confident that Drayton Manor have something good going in there. I’m not sure if a single ride can do all the above though.
If they’re taking out the Super Loo toilet block and the old fish and chip restaurant too, could/should they get a shiny new drop tower in there, alongside a decent coaster (RMC? Vekoma?)
At least I can hope!