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Drayton Manor Park

They now updated there listings what’s gonna happen during the Dinosaur week and it sounds very good for the kids

🦖 Get close and personal with Europe’s largest walking T-Rex
😲 Meet the UK’s tallest walking Brontosaurus
🦕 Discover a walking Spinosaurus, Triceratops and their babies
🎢 Experience exciting rides – Thomas Land, Loki, Jormungandr & more
💃 Dance at our Dino Disco among giants of the Jurassic age
🙌 Train to be a pro dino wrangler in our Raptor encounter
Looks good.

I'm pleased and surprised that Jormungandr is open during Feb half term, I always thought it struggled during cold weather hence it never being open outside of the main season but I guess not.
Looks good.

I'm pleased and surprised that Jormungandr is open during Feb half term, I always thought it struggled during cold weather hence it never being open outside of the main season but I guess not.
Think it could be a Maintenance issue as they closed Christmas Eve and staff wasn’t back to 2 weeks later so they had to spend all there time maintaining the Thomas land rides and the Bounty, Jolly Buccaneer and Sleipnir with Loki working in place of Thor and Jormungandr in place of Accelerator.
Accelerator could also not be open as they could removing Pandemonium queue line/building and test track.
"One of the key things we want to say is that in 2024 there will be a new family thrill coaster coming. That is an important message because we will have new some stuff in 2023 but it won’t be on that scale. This is going to be one of the best coasters in the UK in my opinion"

Some bold claims from the park, 2024 is the year! Return of the Nemesis, exodus and whatever Drayton are planning (they've done a good job at keeping the plans hidden).
It’s nice to have it confirmed that Drayton Manor is getting a coaster in 2024!

Hopefully it’ll be something quite nice and rerideable. When I visited Drayton Manor on a quiet day in June 2022, one thing that did stick out to me is that Drayton Manor presently lacks a coaster with high rerideability.

When bouncing between Shockwave, Accelerator and Jormungandr (in terms of coasters), I did think that it would be really nice if Drayton had a stronger headline coaster that was really fun and rerideable. I wouldn’t even suggest that a coaster filling that void would need to be overly intense or thrilling; plenty of coasters within Drayton Manor’s remit of family thrill would fill that gap very nicely, in my view!

I also find it very intriguing that the MD says that it will be revealed “in the next few weeks”…
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“Family thrill coaster” is interesting as opposed to just saying thrill coaster. I had been thinking that an Abyssus style Vekoma Shockwave multi-launch could be a great fit for DM. Would that count as a family thrill coaster?
Exciting to have a new coaster confirmed for 2024. I’m thinking something along the lines of Fonix at Farup Sommerland would fit in well. Has inversions but still fits into that family thrill market and in my opinion would appeal to adults and kids alike.
My money is on a Vekoma launch coaster, maybe with a couple of inversions something that sits nicely between Shockwave and Accelerator. Interesting the park seem open to the idea of another drop tower in the future.
Interestingly, it appears that Lifthills and Thrills knows what this coaster will be.

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jYadTmmCu8&t=9s

Obviously he can't say anything about it, but apparently he was contacted a while back by an anonymous source who may work or have worked at the park. That source has told him about other additions in the past that have turned out to be true. From what he says it sounds like it's going to be big, but I'm talking it all with a pinch of salt until we see construction pickup or hear an official announcement from the park itself.
So he's made a video were he says he knows what's getting built but doesn't tell the viewer what it is
Yea he does say if you look hard enough you can find out what it will be along with project horizon which is interesting
There's plenty of options for Drayton here, it's important to set our expectations, its going to be family thrill according to the park so I'm not expecting something with lots of inversions or anything like that. Could well get some small scale Vekoma or Gerst though. It's going to be very interesting to see what they get.
Just watched the video if it's something unique to the UK then I'm still going with a new Vekoma launch coaster something similar to Top Gun. No other park has one in the UK and it ticks all of the boxes and I doubt it's a booster bike ride because nobody gets excited about those.