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Drayton Manor Park

Anything like Juvelen would be a good outcome. I enjoyed it (even if the seats need a touch more padding!)
I think if they were going to go for a tower ride they’d want something a bit different rather than another Intamin drop tower.

We know that the park like Zamperla, imagine if they got a Big Wavez tower, looks fun and is very unique.


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Anything like Juvelen would be a good outcome. I enjoyed it (even if the seats need a touch more padding!)
I was personally hoping for something like Juvelen, but this will have a lift hill. Would be cool though if this was Intamin's version of Firechaser Express at Dollywood.
Fair - I was making the assumption that it was closed for so long, before being bought back to life that any new legislation to water quality would apply to it obtaining a new safety certificate. Whereas AT’s, which have been in constant operation, would be exempt.
I can’t believe the amount of people putting the park down when the amount of investment the looping group has invested in the park in the past 2 years with a plan of action in place to 2026.
They already had more late night openings than all the uk Merlin parks put together this season.
The coaster does look good and it could be well themed and I’m sure it will be an excellent hit for the 1.2m+ group range. If it’s as good as Wickerman and 13 then the park will be onto a winner.
Can I also say Drayton has always been for the family market as the only ride in the parks history has been Shockwave for just the 1.4m tall market. Klondike was 1.2m and G force 1.3m.
Even Pandemonium when it 1st opened was 1.2m.
I can’t believe the amount of people putting the park down when the amount of investment the looping group has invested in the park in the past 2 years with a plan of action in place to 2026.

Who is putting the park down? I think a couple of people here might have had slightly incorrect expectations that the park was going to get an all-out thrill coaster rather than a family thrill coaster (as has been revealed) but I haven’t seen anyone here criticising the park at all. This thread is always generally really positive towards Drayton, yes a few people might have been initially a little disappointed with the reveal of the new coaster but I really don’t see that as being people “putting the park down”.
Now is a good of a time as ever to look back at the site that will soon be home to a modern piece of Intamin hardware.

The Intamin "multi and giant drop" aka Apocalypse, opened in 2000. The first viticim of this drop tower however, came in the most unfortunate of ways. 1.45am on April 20th, 2000. An electrical engineer fell while working 40ft inside the tower, landing on a safety door 150ft above the ground. A safety door that was designed for this very type of incident, preventing a fall to the ground and what would be certain death. His injurys were severe, but he thankfully went on to make a full recovery.

Anyway. Let's get some eye candy on the go. I posted some of these a long time ago, but not in the resolution of these. All taken late 1999, early 2000.

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Nice photos

We don't actually know the layout or theme of the new coaster, although I suspect an off

I'm quite excited by what Looping
can do. From what I remember it's their first big brand coaster- dont they usually build cheaper models
I'm hoping it's better than 13 at Towers which is probably the most comparable ride in the UK. Are there any examples of similar Intamins in Europe?
Amazing view - but mainly of how much Drayton has expanded since Apocalypse went in. No Thomas Land! In fact, it looks positively sparse!

It is a great photo for sure.

It is crazy to think that Storm Force 10 was less than a year old and Pirate Adventure was going into it's 10th year in that photo.

I also love that photo because I can see a certain building in the far distance, that is almost to my house. The picture is looking directly towards Tamworth town center for reference
I mean, literally from day 1. Drayton made it clear this was going to be a family thrill ride.

The only way I can see people being disappointed by it not being the thrill coaster they wanted, is because they themselves do not actually know what a family thrill ride is. Because if they did, they would have had expections from the start as to what level of coaster this is going to be. What was stated originally by DMR is exactly the level of coaster we have had unveiled..

Slightly changing the subject. Drayton seemingly have stopped people contacting them via Facebook now, their park contact number is as good as inactive, plus is only for hotel guests and their contact form takes staff over a week to reply. Pretty poor to be honest. They are almost uncontactable.
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I mean, literally from day 1. Drayton made it clear this was going to be a family thrill ride.

The only way I can see people being disappointed by it not being the thrill coaster they wanted, is because they themselves do not actually know what a family thrill ride is. Because if they did, they would have had expections from the start as to what level of coaster this is going to be. What was stated originally by DMR is exactly the level of coaster we have had unveiled..

Slightly changing the subject. Drayton seemingly have stopped people contacting them via Facebook now, their park contact number is as good as inactive, plus is only for hotel guests and their contact form takes staff over a week to reply. Pretty poor to be honest. They are almost uncontactable.
I been having a problem renewing my sons annual pass which ran out on Sunday. I emailed them on Monday as was told by guest services to do so but told it be 10 days to reply.

That accident was that bad it made it on to tv on BBC 999 programme.

From: https://youtu.be/2qeVLtqFL5E
I think a couple of people here might have had slightly incorrect expectations that the park was going to get an all-out thrill coaster rather than a family thrill coaster
Why on earth would anyone think we would be getting a full on thrill coaster at a family park? Drayton are very clearly marketing towards a family audience so why would they decide to install a thrill coaster which doesn’t meet there target audience? The thrill coaster they already have (shockwave) is never really that busy even in the summer holidays so by installing another thrill coaster it would just overall be a bad decision.