I think the rapids incident and COVID, were the straws that broke the camels back to speak.
The finances of the park were not in a healthy state for many years leading up to those events. This is probably why we saw minimal investments which were usually cheap Zamperla rides for Thomas Land, for many years.
They could not even afford to replace the chassis for the X car on G-force which I believe was quoted around half a million, so it added to the list of ride closures.
Here's another ETPA video recently uploaded, showing Maelstrom on opening day. Without a doubt on of the best themed flat rides in the country. Shame the entrance submarine was removed many years ago though.
Farmer studios were doing lots of work for Drayton at this time, Storm Force 10 in 1999, this in 2002, then Excalibur in 2003.
Excalibur, which was the replacement for Rorys Jungle Cruise actually had two companies piching to the park to get the contract.
Space Leisure, who have a long history with the park with themeing for rides such as Pirate Adventure, Golden Nuggets, Splash Canyon, The Haunting and Apocalypse to name a few, pitched a boat ride, themed around Dinosours, similar to Jurassic Park in the way the ride would be delivered. With a serious and semi realistic tone.
Then Farmer Studios, also responsible for some major attractions at the park, Storm Force 10 and Maelstrom, pitched their idea of a boat ride themed around Camalot and Dragons in a cartoony medieval style with a tongue in cheek story and a much more joking and less serious tone. This is the idea that ultimately won and Exclibur opened a few years later. One of the reasons it won was because the Bryan's favoured a British story rooted in English myths and legends for their themepark, in the center of England.
This final ETPA video (I am not at all linked to them, but they are great videos), shows Rorys Jungle Cruise in 2001, on its final year of operation, before it was removed for Excalibur.
What is interesting is the people in the boat are the people who were designing a replacement that ultimately ended up as Excalibur. What is unclear however, is if the people in the boat are from Farmer Studios or Space Leisure as both designed an attraction for the site, and it is clear in the video that they have not yet decided on a theme, layout or anything and what ultimately ended up as Excalibur was in the very early stages of being designed.
From: https://youtu.be/gLx--mm4aK8?si=KbLTnjCn6XKu6Qsg