Extension of the existing Tayto Park facility on a site of approximately 18.1ha to include: a New Vehicular Entrance to Tayto Park from the R155; a new Roundabout Junction on the R155 at Robinson's Cross Roads and associated works to the public road including localised road realignment, street lighting, drainage and landscaping; an Entrance Arch feature; an Internal Access Road incorporating a Vehicular Bridge and a separate Pedestrian Bridge of the River Hurley; and a new Car Parking Area to provide a total of 1,917 no. car parking to serve the entire facility. The development also provides for construction of Complementary Visitor Facilities and Attractions within the extended area to include a 2 storey Admissions Building (1,396sqm) incorporating entrance hall, administration, ancillary retail and toilets; a Wooden Rollercoaster with a ride length of 1,081m, an overall plan area of 1.38ha and a maximum height above ground level of 33.3m, and all ancillary plant and development works to include a Station Platform (157.5sqm), a Storage/Maintenance Shed (157sqm); a Control Room (22sqm); a Motor House (22sqm) and an associated Retail Outlet (15sqm); an indoor "Dark Ride" attraction which is completely enclosed within a Hall (548sqm) with an overall height of 13.25sqm; an "Air Race" attraction with a maximum height of 12.8m; and a Toilet Block (76sqm). Associated and ancillary site development works including 3 no. Surface Water Attenuation Ponds; Pumping Station with Emergency Storage Tank, Supplementary Foul Water Storage Tank; Acoustic Barrier (at entrance from R155); Site Services; Landscaping; Boundary Treatments; Lighting and Walkways throughout the extension area. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of this planning application