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Energylandia and Legendia by car - advice


TS Member
Got a little trip next month to Energylandia and Legendia. Staying in Zator the first two nights for Energylandia then heading into Katowice for an afternoon at Legendia.

The current plan is to rent a car from the airport for the duration (4 days), are the quotes we're getting of like £20 accurate or is there something fishy there? Just wondering if anyone else has made a similar trip using a car, it's not my first time driving abroad but I've no idea what the roads (or other people's driving) are like
Car hire there is incredibly cheap, though I'd make sure that includes some form of comprehensive cover also (usually adds a little bit on top of the first quote you see). Roads are very good quality, better than the UK average, and driving is very easy. Don't think you should have any problems to be honest!