Does anyone understand why the EU has funded/partially funded this and how much they've poured into it?
Hello fellow RC enthusiast

I can explain it because I'm from Poland, I've got something like 3 hours of ride to Energylandia...
You guys don't actually get our specific polish culture

We can get everything what we need legal ways

There are special companies here which are helping getting EU founds, we Want to get those founds as much as we can and we are doing that. Don't want to start the political discussion here, but those are facts. Energylandia is just example of our cleverness in that area
EU dotation is not for rolllercoasters itself - it's for "innovation" which in times they asked for dotation were... 3D glasses added to the ride. So the whole money is for innovative coasters, not Just regular coasters

how much part of coaster is innovative part and 3D equipement we know, but formally and legally everything was fine. I think dotations summed up are something like 80 mln PLN, which means about 19 mln euros. That's for 3 coasters builded for start - New generation Vecoma launch Formuła, family ride Energuś and good bad SLC Mayan.
For curious ones - the 3D oculus are in permanent state of "tests"

they are there, you can see them, but you can't use them, and again from legal point of view everything is fine. This is how we manager here to race the West
Sorry for my english