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Euro-pa-park and I trip my coasters until they drill


TS Member
Favourite Ride
I know the title was a bit of a stretch. About three weeks ago I made a journey to the south of Germany to visit Europapark and Tripsdrill. I gave EP two days and Tripsdrill one day. Using the public transport went surprisingly well.


It was my first time since 2000. I remember we rode Poseidon that day with a 90 min queue because it was its first opening.

I arrived on a sunday evening and it was already closing time at the EP. After I checked in my hotel room in Rust I walked to the main entrance to look around. I caught Silver Star still running its last riders with the sunset. It was very beautiful to watch. Because it was raining before there was also a rainbow to see.

For the next part I just write my thoughts with no particular order.

The first day I couldn‘t get the vitual line to work. Well after I went to the information desk in the afternoon and the nice lady helped me. However I still got technical difficulties for example I picked a time slot for 10 something and the app gave me a slot for 9 something. The virtual line employee waved me through regardless. I spoked to some guys in front of me in the line and they had the same „problem“. Unfortunately I never got lucky to get a slot for Voltron.

The park was busier than I anticipated. Most (coaster) lines were 15-30 minutes. Voltron the most with ~40. I used single rider whenever I could. It was never a walk-on tho. The water rides (minus Piraten) were quite empty.

I know the following could be a very GP opinion, but I had the most fun with Blue Fire. I really don‘t enjoy snappy elements or laterals that much. Wodan was vibrating the whole time. Voltron was sometimes too forceful especially the outer seat for my taste. BF is mostly smooth and the different inversions are fun (except the last corkscrew). I won‘t explain my decision that deep but I think you got the idea.

That one ride on Silver Star got me soaked because there was this tiny cloud with about 10 minutes rain and this was my time to enter the train. We didn‘t know it was raining outside until we saw the other riders re-entering the station. Well it was very wet and very painful in the face. Don‘t recommend. Other than that I liked Silver Star. It was my first B&M Hyper coaster.

I was not mentally prepared for the Euro-Mir soundtrack and the creepy looking astronauts. But the mini starship museum was cool. Also the coaster got some big G-forces in the helix to my surprise.

On my second day in the morning I went straight to Arthur. But it seems it wasn‘t really ready because most effects weren‘t on. Some animatronics were moving but not all and no voices, I think? I never saw a POV but I think there should be voices that tell the story. The ride itself was nice tho. I remember the bit where the train shoots out of the building and this was more forceful than I expected.

On my first day I tried to stick to a route to avoid the crowds, but after two attractions I just strolled around because there was so much to see. I kinda love walking around and find new ways.

Darkrides I really enjoyed: Castello die Medici, Piraten in Batavia and Voletarium. I never did a flying theatre so Voletarium was so interesing to me.

Now let‘s talk about Voltron. The presentation is so good. The launch above the building/entrance, so much track around you and I like the little oberservation tower. One thing I didn‘t like while waiting in the queue were the loud noises in the mainhall. During the tesla coil concert I had to cover my ears. I also wonder how long this effect is going to work. I rode Voltron the first time around noon. The up and down part before the first launch was working, but for my rides later that day it wasn‘t. The next day it was luckely working again. Oh I also saw a waiting train with passengers in one of the valleys that one with a boost launch. I don‘t know why it parked there but after a few minutes it got launched back and forth and of it went. Like I said above I didn‘t like the outer seat that much. As the train arrived at the break run it was like I had a little workout. I never felt like this before I think. On my second day I met an online friend and I didn‘t have to get an outer seat because of single rider. We also got first row and this time I had much more fun. It was smoother and not so jittery in the turns. My friend likes the outer seat more. Good for him.

coaster count:

Silver Star 5x
Voltron 4x
Blue Fire 7x
Wodan 2x
Euro-Mir 4x
Eurosat CanCan coaster 1x
Arthur 1x
Schweizer Bobbahn 1x
Matterhorn Blitz 1x
Pegasus 1x
Alpenexpress Enzian 1x

Flatrides and darkrides honorable mentions: Abenteuer Atlantis, Atlantica Supersplash, Castello die Medici, Fjord Rafting, Fluch der Kassandra, Madame Freudenreich Curiosites, Piraten in Batavia, Snorri Touren, Tiroler Wildwasserbahn, Voletarium


1. Blue Fire
2. Silver Star
3. Voltron (outer seat)
1. Blue Fire
2. Voltron (middle seat)
3. Silver Star


My last visit was also a long time ago, but I have good memories of it. I liked the logflume the most.

My main reason to come back was to try out Karacho and Hals über Kopf. The park was not as full as EP. The most annoying part were the schooltrips and teenagers.

Karacho: In the beginning of the day it was an one train operation, but thankfully later they added a second train. The soundtrack is the same one as K2 (Karl‘s Elstal) which was surprising. The ride itself was a bit rougher than I expected sadly. Launch and the airtime moments were good. I did saw a POV some time ago, but I forgot about the indoor inversion while riding it the first time.

Mammut: My thoughts: it‘s a coaster that goes brrr. It doesn‘t really do anything? It‘s fast and shaky, but neither airtime nor big forces. You go through the layout and nothing really happens. Most memorable thing was the foggy tunnel.

Hals über Kopf: Now that‘s a coaster I really enjoyed. I love inverted coasters anyway. The layout is very good and makes fun. And I think every row is good only the first row a bit better than the rest. It‘s also very good for re-rides. One time there were very few visitors at the station and I got several rides in a row with changing seats.

Volldampf: The song will haunt me in my nightmares.

I rode the two waterrides, the rapids and the logflume. The rapids has a good length and the logflume shines with its darkpart and the interaction with G‘sengte Sau.

Other activites were flatrides and petting the goats. The park isn‘t very big so I walked many rounds.

coaster count:

Hals über Kopf 9x
Karacho 4x
Mammut 3x
Volldampf 2x
G‘sengte Sau 2x
Rasender Tausendfüßler 1x

Flatrides honorable mentions: Wilde Gautsche, Höhenflug, Badewannenfahrt zum Jungbrunnen, Waschzuber Rafting, Doppelter Donnerbalken


1. Hals über Kopf
2. Karacho
3. the other coasters
