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Eurovision 2024

Would be much better without Stuart Hall, of course.
Well he made it better at the time with all his laughing. But he did turn out to be a very naughty boy, so it does kind of spoil the whole it's a knockout thing unfortunately.

I also went to see Gary Glitter live three times. Even bought a t-shirt , which I have obviously had to dispose of! Although I don't think Stuart Hall is in Mr Glitters league.

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Speaking of Jeux Sans Frontières , there was an attempt in 2006 to bring it back which would have had Belgium, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy and competing but was pushed back several times and finally when the 2008 recession happened, it was finally killed off. Even if the show would perhaps better than Eurovision that the whole family can laugh at, its huge cost would kill it as towards the end of its original run in the 80s (not including the revival in the 1990 in which Wales competed oddly enough) is that each year they made it look look more grander in which from starting off as very much like the cheap and cheerful nature of what Its a Knockout would do to something straight out of a theme park to which it would have been impossible to keep this up and never mind any health and safety aspects that some might have a thing to say about the games.

In some ways, something similar could very well much happen with Eurovision in which as many have noted, it is far more than just singing but now a whole arena, huge sets and everything looking far more polished to the point in which you will wonder how will they be able to keep making it look far bigger and better than before as I could see, as mentioned before regarding a revival of JSF is that EBU partners with a streaming providing to help bankroll future editions for Eurovision and maybe even tempt them to bring back JSF should say a Netflix or Amazon Prime offers them a blank cheque.

All honesty, it would be nice to see if the EBU could do more than just the song contest to help create more diversity with its line-up, or rather, lack thereof.
I'll admit, I'm torn as to where to post this. First instinct was the "Surreal News" topic, but I don't want to give the impression that I think this is funny. It is Eurovision related, though.

TLDR: a gay pub is closing because some patrons objected to Eurovision being shown... erm.... because Israel.
(I'm not personally touching that with a barge pole.)

I'll admit, I'm torn as to where to post this. First instinct was the "Surreal News" topic, but I don't want to give the impression that I think this is funny. It is Eurovision related, though.

TLDR: a gay pub is closing because some patrons objected to Eurovision being shown... erm.... because Israel.
(I'm not personally touching that with a barge pole.)

They agreed not to show Eurovision well in advance and worked with LGBTQ+ artists to put on alternative events, including one called Enbyvison which was to raise money for charity, another night was to raise money for Palestinian refugees and aid.

Last minute, RVT cancelled all the gigs leaving performers out of pocket. They then went back on it again and ultimately just didn’t open on Saturday. They handled the whole thing extremely poorly and it isn’t the first time they’ve put money over the queer patrons and performers they claimed to support
I would like to hope this was just the final straw, and the owner was thinking of selling up anyway?
It's been over a week now. Only three songs have stuck in my head: Ireland, Finland, Croatia.
Can't even remember what the winning song sounded like.

Please tell me I'm not alone? Seems to be the case every year: the winner is perfectly good but just not memorable to me.
AVROTROS (the Dutch public broadcaster) has released an updated statement regarding the incident resulting in the disqualification of Joost Klein.

There are two significant parts; firstly, they’ve said they will only cooperate with the EBU investigation if the EBU agrees to hold a broader, more in-depth investigation into the structural problems affecting Eurovision. Secondly, and more crucially, they’ve said they are going to keep future participation in Eurovision under consideration (or in other words threatening to pull out entirely).

It really didn’t need to go this far. It’s shameful behaviour from the EBU to be honest and if the Netherlands do decide to pull out entirely they’re the only ones to blame.
Police investigation results pending, man bullies and threatens a woman because he doesn't want to be filmed offstage, but has signed an agreement to be filmed at all times...
Bit messy, but people break the rules and get kicked out.
Life is sad sometimes.
Can't really blame the organisers for sticking to their rules and protecting staff from egos.
And if the threatening behaviour hadn't happened in the first place...
Police investigation results pending, man bullies and threatens a woman because he doesn't want to be filmed offstage, but has signed an agreement to be filmed at all times...
Bit messy, but people break the rules and get kicked out.
Life is sad sometimes.
Can't really blame the organisers for sticking to their rules and protecting staff from egos.
And if the threatening behaviour hadn't happened in the first place...
Netherlands along with other delegations had been targeted and harassed by the Israeli delegation through the week prior to the specific incident. Specifically, there were jokes made towards Joost about his dead parent

But, EBU is currently bought by MoroccanOil so the indiscretions and rule breaks of the delegation from Israel have been swept under the proverbial rug
So the man didn't bully the woman then, and the police aren't actually involved?
Leave it to them, best way.
I wouldn't want to turn this into another Gaza conflict.
The whole media world is corrupt, we all know that.
So the man didn't bully the woman then, and the police aren't actually involved?
Leave it to them, best way.
I wouldn't want to turn this into another Gaza conflict.
The whole media world is corrupt, we all know that.
There’s far too much nuance to boil down to a forum reply, but essentially behaviours that put Netherlands in this position were displayed tenfold by Israel and nothing was actioned against them as the EBU didn’t want to upset the bankrollers
There’s far too much nuance to boil down to a forum reply, but essentially behaviours that put Netherlands in this position were displayed tenfold by Israel and nothing was actioned against them as the EBU didn’t want to upset the bankrollers
That still doesn't excuse the criminal damage caused to the operator's camera (which was personally owned and not by the EBU). The initial report was mostly made for insurance purposes, can't get a payout for a repair without an incident number.

The operator in question did throw a bit of a tissy fit, semi-understandably because their camera was damaged, and complain to management about the incident with a bit of a hot head. The EBU was stuck between a rock and a hard place, whilst having to consider the feelings of their employee Vs the competitor. The op does have form in not understanding when a contestant is joking around with them, or is being serious about not being up for filming; but it wouldn't be fair for me to go much further.

None of this excuses the behaviour of other parties toward the Netherlands, however, and those incidents should also be treated with the same seriousness as this case.
The one thing isreal is very know for, is very good intelligence. If they want to know something they will find out.

Can imagine with everything going on, that the intelligence system has done it's homework on every faction of the contest. I can only speculate of course. Just in case they are watching.
There’s far too much nuance to boil down to a forum reply, but essentially behaviours that put Netherlands in this position were displayed tenfold by Israel and nothing was actioned against them as the EBU didn’t want to upset the bankrollers
In your humble opinion of course.
Not everyone agrees though.
Let the organisations do their investigations...under proper governance.
Eurovision has always been a hotbed of tensions between nations.
Israel telecast explicitly told viewers who they should and shouldn’t vote for. A very clear rule break … and yet nothing

But no, they aren’t getting preferential treatment by the EBU, certainly nothing to do with their biggest sponsor being a Zionist company (Morrocanoil)
And it continues - Norway now threatening to pull out of 2025, under the grounds that there can’t be another year with the same levels of conflict and unrest that was experienced in 2024.

Reading into it, it appears there’s also a shortage of Norwegian acts willing to apply for 2025 as well (530 acts signed a petition calling for Israel to be booted - I can’t imagine many applying for MGP next year as a result), so there may be some logistical reasons behind any decision made too.
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Polite request - as this crops up time and time again in Eurovision topics over the years. If you don’t like the contest, fine - but add some value to the conversation with some actual points of debate as to why you think that’s the case. “Because it’s crap” / ”Does anyone watch this anymore?” aren’t constructive points to be making. Alternatively, please just skip on past the topic as others may want to chat about something that’s a really fun occasion for them every year.

Back to the contest itself, and I’m still annoyed the whole Israel thing and the issues at the shows themselves overshadowed the contest this year. There were some incredibly strong entries this year, and a nice mix of fun to boot as well. I hope the external investigation that the EBU are carrying out can look into and address any genuine issues to try and ensure as many as possible countries return next year. I also hope they actually improve the way they deal with these sorts of controversies too. There’s been a lot of work to improve the stature of the contest over the years, it’d be a shame for all that work to be overshadowed by annual political fights.