TS Member
This is just the start...... we have now let in undless numbers of ISIS scumbags into all EU cities under the guise of being migrants. The enemy is within our shores and impossible to differentiate from everyday people going about their normal business. It was warned about for years, but PC quietened down those who spoke of their worry that such attacks could happen. Well, now it is, and close all the borders you like now - its too late. This is the first of many, trust me.
ISIS, a well organised, well funded organisation, they don't need to risk sending people on the boats. The 9/11 hijackers got in 'legitimately' under the radar, remember. Not to mention those who attended Hebdo were French, not immigrants.
Don't fall into the trap. They want us to be paranoid of each other, they want us to be hateful, scared, closed in on ourselves.
And we barely took any refugees whilst Sweden and Libya took loads, so even if they were using the crisis to get to Europe there's no need to lose sleep over our safety here.
More people die from bee stings and the last thing we need now is to panic.