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Food & Beverage: The Aramark Era begins

So, the way I read that, wrapping burgers before they are ordered is a no no and needs a full ingredients list like pre packaged food. If they packaged them after the order had been processed like McDonald's or Burger King then they're good to go just with the alergen information.

So I presume McDonald's for example would get away with not displaying an ingredients label on their fries even though they are regularly boxed up before being ordered because the box is open and the product can technically be altered without having to open anything as the cartons are open anyway?

Pretty much. But the way Alton sell their burgers, means that they do need to give guests the full ingredients. Which they are not doing. Not all the time atleast.

McDonalds give you the ingredients list even though, unlike Alton Towers, they are not legally obligated too. Because you know, good business practictices.
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Pretty much. But the way Alton sell their burgers, means that they do need to give guests the full ingredients. Which they are not doing. Not all the time atleast.

McDonalds give you the ingredients list even though, unlike Alton Towers, they are not legally obligated too. Because you know, good business practictices.
It's summarised as "McDonalds know what they are doing, Aramark have not got a clue".
Just been reading the Mardi Gras thread and saw the comments about using the bottom of TowerStreet as a permanent food street.

It's got me thinking of how the Teacher's Lounge could be converted into a bar area with outdoor seating that outlooks onto the lake and Towers itself. It's a great area to gain a captive audience as that corner of TowersStreet easily see the highest volume of guests throughout the day, especially during closing hours. You could open the bar at 11am and then close an hour and a half after ride close. Especially if they installed firepits out the front and had an end-of-day show/parade around the general area, you could create an amazing atmosphere and provide guests an alternative to the rush out of the turnstiles at the end of the day, increasing guest satisfaction.
Just been reading the Mardi Gras thread and saw the comments about using the bottom of TowerStreet as a permanent food street.

It's got me thinking of how the Teacher's Lounge could be converted into a bar area with outdoor seating that outlooks onto the lake and Towers itself. It's a great area to gain a captive audience as that corner of TowersStreet easily see the highest volume of guests throughout the day, especially during closing hours. You could open the bar at 11am and then close an hour and a half after ride close. Especially if they installed firepits out the front and had an end-of-day show/parade around the general area, you could create an amazing atmosphere and provide guests an alternative to the rush out of the turnstiles at the end of the day, increasing guest satisfaction.
I don’t think Towers Street is that busy during the daytime though, hence why Towers St restaurant has remained closed? Also why bother reusing other spaces when that one is sat there empty.
Interesting quote from an interview with Merlin CEO about F&B:

In terms of F&B, O’Neil says he’s focused on improving quality across the Merlin estate. “When someone I know goes to one of our parks and says they’ve had a great meal, I say, did you have a great meal for an attraction, or did you have a great meal?” he says.

“I don’t know why we can’t have extraordinary food – and we do in some of our attractions, but I think you’ll see a bit of an upgrade in the UK and Europe.”

He’s got his work cut out if this is a genuine ambition. Let’s hope it’s not just words.

Full interview:

When he realises people will happily pay £10 for a small, minimal effort item in the U.K. I’m sure he’ll change his mind.
When he takes his first bite of an Aramark classic burger....

Interesting quote from an interview with Merlin CEO about F&B:

He’s got his work cut out if this is a genuine ambition. Let’s hope it’s not just words.

Full interview:

His priorities didn’t include improving the experience did it… not sure focussing on data is going to help customers - just identify ways of screwing more money out of us…
That doesn't bode massively well, if he can't see that it's impossible to have extraordinary food when you outsource your F&B operations to a company that at best deal in ordinary food.
I don't read it like that at all. He's saying he doesn't see why Merlin cannot have extraordinary food - he's absolutely not saying that that is possible with Aramark...
They want Aramark to take the pain away from recruitment and retention of staff more than anything else I would say. Surely Merlin will have considerable input/final say on menu design etc.

With Coach House Confectionary for example, I don't believe it would have been Aramark coming up with that menu without any input from Merlin.

O'Neil's comments to me suggest that quality needs to improve massively under Aramark. To be it is obvious that could only be achieved by Merlin or other consultants providing the detailed specifications. We shall see - I don't expect the status quo to be tolerated, but I don't see Aramark going anywhere for years so it will be interesting to see how much change can actually be achieved and maintained.
They want Aramark to take the pain away from recruitment and retention of staff more than anything else I would say. Surely Merlin will have considerable input/final say on menu design etc.

With Coach House Confectionary for example, I don't believe it would have been Aramark coming up with that menu without any input from Merlin.

O'Neil's comments to me suggest that quality needs to improve massively under Aramark. To be it is obvious that could only be achieved by Merlin or other consultants providing the detailed specifications. We shall see - I don't expect the status quo to be tolerated, but I don't see Aramark going anywhere for years so it will be interesting to see how much change can actually be achieved and maintained.

Is coach house confectionary an Aramark outlet? Some of the concession stands are still Towers operated (genuinely don’t know).

Either way I suspect there are standards KPI’s but again, the team who set those up are now not in charge of Merlin and you struggle to change KPI’s mid contract.
The thing is, as much as it's popular to slate Aramark these days... this is still a contract Merlin have with them. If the quality is not good enough, Merlin could turn around and say "The quality is not good enough" and Aramark could deliver better. Sure, it might mean Merlin have to pay more for better quality of food, but it's within their control. It's not entirely the fault of Aramark
And in Mr Sandbrooke's interview with the AT divisional director, she doubled down on the arrangement with Aramark. I'm certain there will somehow be an improvement, and this year at that.