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Food & Beverage: The Aramark Era begins

As a follow up to the above. I popped into Splash this morning and my question as to whether they served lunch was met with nothing short of incredulity.

I was told that we should eat at that awful place in the water park. When I said we weren't going in the water park the incredulity escalated. They really haven't got their heads around the fact that they are a resort - each aspect of the resort feels like it operates as its own thiefdom.

Anyway, my nephew wanted pizza so we ended up in Explorers, which was fine. £13.60 with MAP, slightly more expensive than BPK at BPB (£12.55 with discount). Quality was pretty good - couldn't complain really.


The lack of proper lunch offering in the actual hotels is bizarre.

Meanwhile, De Panne at midday:

From: https://youtu.be/BjO6xWngTQw
Hot dog rollover...sad pun.
The big baseball match in London at the weekend...two foot long hot dogs...with added bits.
Thirty quid!
Maybe something will happen, but this wreaks of the standard "Oooo I know something you don't, because my friend's sister's cousin works as a cleaner at Towers". Soooo... I'll believe it when I see it ;)
Yea I don't disagree thought I'd share anyway in case there was a slim chance of him having insider knowledge
I’d imagine that input would be something to the effect of, “don’t be as shit as we were at running these outlets”?

50% less shit, 25% more meat*, 60% markup.

*We can’t tell you what type of meat, it just says meat on the side of the barrel so that’s what you’ll get
Just eating at Mutiny Bay BK, classic meal, £9.80 with AP discount. My box didn’t have any sort of labelling on it but my friends did and hers still said 80% beef on it. Taste pretty much the same too.