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Gatwick Airport Closed After Drone Sightings

And now, there may not have been any drone at all?

Well it seems that there isn’t actually any footage or pictures of it... just statements from individuals!

What the actual ****?


Hmm. Arrested a window fitter and his wife who were both at work at the time of the incident. And now, there may not have been any drone at all?

This even exceeds Merlin levels of incompetency!


Sussex Police make Merlin look like consummate professionals by comparison.

Sadly I suspect the public will not take any notice of this and continue to push for tighter drone regulations without considering that they will only affect law abiding users and idiots will continue to be idiots regardless.

I'm seriously considering not registering when this "mandatory registration" comes into force and just having my day in court if I'm ever caught, I don't want my name to be on some sort of hit list of suspects pulled in every time some fuckwit mistakes a pigeon for a drone at Gatwick.
It would be a whole lot easier if BALPA abandoned their "everything is a drone" policy and went back to "if you can't identify it chalk it up as a ufo", at least that was plausible lol.

At least that way we could go back to speculating if it was a Vulcan or Andorian.
Thing is, a lot of people seem to forget the original meaning of the term "Unidentified Flying Object"
It does NOT mean "OMG!ALIENZ!", it just means, "I saw a thing in the sky that I could not positively confirm as either one thing or another"

And anyway, Ian, we both know the Vulcans make first contact with Earth, and the Andorians don't come along until later.
So.... some more back peddling from Sussex Police today... I think I'll just copy something posted elsewhere:

So to recap:
*The police arrested the wrong person and thought that releasing him immediately would have been more traumatic, despite his solid alibi, so held him and his wife for the maximum 36 hours they could
*The police can't agree with each other on whether there was actually a drone or not
*The police were flying their own drones meaning that people who saw a drone didn't know which one it was they saw
*They haven't found the drone
*They haven't found the operator
*They can't explain the two drones that they have found aside from saying "not the drones"
*They can't guarantee it won't happen again
*They say that they aren't back to step one, but that is what it looks like to the rest of the planet.

If I did my job as poorly as that, I would be sacked within days.

I just hope our resident Copper never considers transferring to the Sussex force and stays as far away from them as possible.
The Ministry of Disinformation (or "The BBC" as some know them) are reporting that Heathrow has been shut down due to a "drone sighting"....
Yeah I was kind of hoping this would happen, I mean didn't they invest in millions of pounds worth of equipment to defend against drones last week?

Hopefully people use the common sense they were born with and don't buy this one hook line and sinker.
All part of the grand plan folks. You all just sit back and be good little citizens now.

EDIT: Well would you look at that! Both the BBC and ITV just happen to have reporters that are stuck on planes that cannot depart. Isn't that a lucky coincidence!
I must be missing something @DiogoJ42 , what is the grand plan?

Btw I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm serious :p
Do you think the disruption is something else and drones are being used as a cover-up?
If I knew exactly what the plan was, I'd be dead by now. ;)
My guess would be a total ban on all remote controled aerial devices, plus yet more security theatre to make our lives hell.

.... Either that or aliens.
Just had a quick Google and I can't find the new story.

What I did find was a story on the falsely accused couple who's identities were revealed over Christmas. Apparently they're leaving home due to the incident. And then in the same article the papers include their names, house and photos AGAIN.

Aliens would be pretty cool though, I wouldn't mind the airport being closed for that
Just how the hell does anyone "see" a "drone" when it's pitch dark outside anyway‽
They'll probably just make it mandatory to have a license to fly a drone, which will cost over a grand, a week after someone in governments brother opens the company supplying the mandatory licence courses. I think they've gotten sick of the plebs enjoying their flying machines. Too much freedom.
Sounds like flights are back on. Must have been a bird.
But the important thing is that the agenda has been pushed.
a week after someone in governments brother opens the company supplying the mandatory licence courses. I

Spot on.

I live in Ramsgate, where this mysterious ferry service is going to operate from. The town with the harbour that’s not been dredged for several years, since the last passenger ferry service left. The council have been trying to find operators for ages with no luck and now, miraculously this company with no ferry’s has appeared :tearsofjoy:

About 5 miles away is a small airport that’s closed down because it’s worth more covered in houses and appartments than it is as an airport. It’s now become the stage for the fake traffic jam of lorries in the pantomime called Brexit. The company that bought the airport, apparently to turn it around, have been paid £5m over last 3 years to operate a lorry park that apart from that ridiculous trial with 90 lorries the other morning, has never had any lorries!

There is corruption at every level of our government... going back on topic, we don’t know who’s behind these drones but I’m not entirely convinced that the meme of Teresa flying it is that far away from the truth!