Trooper Looper
TS Member
Very odd Thread...
I know its 3 years old, but I'm Just gonna say my opinion on this as quick as I can. Let's go!
I won't lie, I may be just a typical teen, but I was raised in a very old fashioned manner by both my parents when growing up, I can't have a huge say on people's perspective of the whole 'non-bonary' and Gender Identities situation.
Of course, people with Gender Dysphoria exists and it's certainly a terrible Mental problem that pretty much can't be cured. I really feel for people who struggle with it day by day. Heck, when I was around 10ish, I had quite a bit of Gender Dysphoria, having a more like in more Girl stuff than men's stuff, but I never told my family, and over the years of holding it in and never really looking deep into the whole concept of Gender identities, It started to fade away when I was nearly 15. I knew I'll always be a guy, and there's nothing wrong with that. Later I started to do more stuff any typical teen boy would do, like video games, watching action films, listening to classic rock, and hanging out with the boys more often.
Back then I never knew anything about LGBT stuff outside of Men liking men and women liking women, and I never found that weird at all, but when I found out about there being more than 2 genders in recent years, I was bewildered.
I just find it so odd why people want to be neither Male or female. So I looked into the Internet. No matter how many sources I looked at, no matter how many stories I read about what made them chose this lifestyle, it still made no sense to me. Maybe im just, like I said earlier, old fashioned, but adding a 3rd Gender just so you can be comfortable sounds like an unhealthy option to chose from. Like I said, people with Gender Dysphoria probably mentally suffer quite a bit, but indulging on it and making a new Gender up out of the blue after there's only been 2 since the dawn of time, Just so you can be comfortable. It just feels iffy to me. It's like you're lying to yourself every morning that you did last night's washing, and you let the pile of used dishes build up over time, it's not a good long term solution and will only cause more problems for you. There's better ways to deal with it, lying to yourself isn't one of them. There will only ever be 2 genders, no matter how many times you try to add a 3rd. I'm probably gonna get banned from that statement
From my experience with Gender Dysphoria, you just need to learn self acceptance and don't try to be someone you arent, I know that's probably incredibly controversial here, and i don't meant to be intentionally rude to anyone, it's just my perspective of the situation here I'm trying to say in the most neutral manner I can.
I know its 3 years old, but I'm Just gonna say my opinion on this as quick as I can. Let's go!
I won't lie, I may be just a typical teen, but I was raised in a very old fashioned manner by both my parents when growing up, I can't have a huge say on people's perspective of the whole 'non-bonary' and Gender Identities situation.
Of course, people with Gender Dysphoria exists and it's certainly a terrible Mental problem that pretty much can't be cured. I really feel for people who struggle with it day by day. Heck, when I was around 10ish, I had quite a bit of Gender Dysphoria, having a more like in more Girl stuff than men's stuff, but I never told my family, and over the years of holding it in and never really looking deep into the whole concept of Gender identities, It started to fade away when I was nearly 15. I knew I'll always be a guy, and there's nothing wrong with that. Later I started to do more stuff any typical teen boy would do, like video games, watching action films, listening to classic rock, and hanging out with the boys more often.
Back then I never knew anything about LGBT stuff outside of Men liking men and women liking women, and I never found that weird at all, but when I found out about there being more than 2 genders in recent years, I was bewildered.
I just find it so odd why people want to be neither Male or female. So I looked into the Internet. No matter how many sources I looked at, no matter how many stories I read about what made them chose this lifestyle, it still made no sense to me. Maybe im just, like I said earlier, old fashioned, but adding a 3rd Gender just so you can be comfortable sounds like an unhealthy option to chose from. Like I said, people with Gender Dysphoria probably mentally suffer quite a bit, but indulging on it and making a new Gender up out of the blue after there's only been 2 since the dawn of time, Just so you can be comfortable. It just feels iffy to me. It's like you're lying to yourself every morning that you did last night's washing, and you let the pile of used dishes build up over time, it's not a good long term solution and will only cause more problems for you. There's better ways to deal with it, lying to yourself isn't one of them. There will only ever be 2 genders, no matter how many times you try to add a 3rd. I'm probably gonna get banned from that statement
From my experience with Gender Dysphoria, you just need to learn self acceptance and don't try to be someone you arent, I know that's probably incredibly controversial here, and i don't meant to be intentionally rude to anyone, it's just my perspective of the situation here I'm trying to say in the most neutral manner I can.
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