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God- Real Or Not?

Do you think that God exists?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 7 14.6%

  • Total voters
Nothing quite like a good religious / spiritual / atheism (* delete as applicable) debate.

Unfortunately, especially the spiritualist / psychic route, there are a lot of people making money who are fraudulent and have been proven to be frauds. Just because nothing has come out about this since 2005 doesn't make this a hoax or a fraud. What it does say to me, is that if Cameron still believes in this, then there are many people out there who could test this scientifically, including JREF.

In the past there have been so many fraudsters using the name of religion, god etc to make a LOT of money that its not uncommon for some to question what they see.

I mean the kid sisters behind the whole psychic movement came out to be frauds many years later. If they hadn't done what they did and get away with it for so long, then we may not have had people like the Colin Frys, Derek Acorah's and John Edward littering our screens and making vast sums of money on the back of peoples grief. But that of course is a different discussion for a different day :)
In the past there have been so many fraudsters using the name of religion, god etc to make a LOT of money that its not uncommon for some to question what they see.

Just to take a short bit but reference the whole. I agree. Wholeheartedly. There are some real charlatans around. But I have been researching the history, and cultural references etc for many years now, it does lead me to believe there's something, but ask me what I have no idea.

There are kids being locked in cages in Africa apparently for "witchcraft" and we have a man in charge who claims to be religious yet parps all over anyone he possibly can in misfortune.

It doesn't make it easy to sort the truth from fiction either way. Of course, where you will get what I actually believe to a minority who are genuinely able to do things, that I have personally witnessed and not in a cash environment lol, it's inevitable you'll get ten pop up who see a way to exploit it.

We might have slightly differing personal beliefs, heck mine are frequently prone to change based on experience lol, but the sentiment of your last post I agree with a fair amount of!
just a mini rant about SOME Christians from myself

We moved to a new build house a few months ago, in the centre of the estate and across from our home is a large green. A couple of weeks ago we received an invite to join our neighbours for 'Carols by Candlelight' a chance to meet the neighbours, there would be a brass band present and drinks on the green.

So me and my husband went, along with 60+ of our neighbours, which was actually a lovely sight. The band were good, there were mince pies and a great atmosphere.

Until half way through the night, the organiser of the event got up - announcing himself as an ex-vicar and proceeded to read a very long version of the nativity and then asked for donations to a local christian charity.

I absolutely do not mind the chap promoting his religion or charity - what I dislike it the way he organised it. Had I known it was a religious event I wouldnt have gone, I wouldnt not have felt guilted into giving some money to a charity I do not personally support in an act of saving face to my neighbours.
Amusingly the neighbours we are close with refused to donate anything and a couple left during his talk - which I think is personally a little rude, but their choice.

I just dont see why it had to be done under false pretence and essentially lie on the invites to get people there. Silly man.
Don't ever feel rude for walking away from a biggot spouting their claptrap dogma bullshit.
He should feel rude for imposing his delusions on normal, sane people.

This is why it is easier to just ignore this farce of a religious festival alltogether. ;)
Christmas = Booze, Food and Presents in my eyes. Religion never enters it for me (The closest we get is there is a nativity set up as a decorative piece in the hallway)
Christmas = Booze, Food and Presents in my eyes. Religion never enters it for me (The closest we get is there is a nativity set up as a decorative piece in the hallway)
I agree, same goes on at my house.

Christmas for a lot of people is just a nice wintery festival, that let's be fair, whatever your religion or culture, you can't get away from it, no matter how hard you try!
Christmas is my only scheduled visit to church a year, I always go along for one event on christmas eve.
I identify as Christian, but that's due to coming from a religious household, I'll go to church 3-4 times a year on average.