Telling people during the war that carrots are good for your eyesight was really effective at getting people to eat carrots and convincing the nazis we didn't have radar, doesn't mean there was any truth in it.
Seriously, that's your argument? War propaganda?
You boil down billions of people who feel in an intrinsic and natural spiritual connection of some kind, to WWII propaganda?
How on Earth is that even remotely relevant to this debate?
You just compared the teachings of Buddha, the Vedas, the Bible etc to EATING CARROTS, you do know that, right?
Let me explain something to you, I was not born into a religious nor spiritual family - quite the opposite. I had no forced beliefs, I did not encounter family pressures from this I was free to explore as I so chose. Instead of having a closed materialist view of the world, I decided to explore, read, talk, experiment, test, and remain open minded and curious.
It is abundantly obvious to me there's no point debating what I find a personally fascinating subject, based on pure curiosity and introspection, with those simply refuse to explore and entertain the idea with open minds.
I'd almost guess the idea makes people feel, uncomfortable somehow? Perhaps the "I", the "ego self", doesn't like the idea of not being the master of all it surveys?
I agree with
@Blaze on one thing for sure though, those who feel they wish to be unselfish and compassionate etc without the need to a "soul" or "guilt" or "fear of judgement" etc - to me, they are being genuinely kind because it's done out OF compassion and not fear.