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Hex: The Future

Having the ride closed for two and a half years defies logic.
Likewise with Hex.
Not saying it was planned, I'm saying they are saving on costs, and not rushing with the fix saves further money in the short term.
If there had been a proper appraisal of the issues involved years ago, there may have been progress a few years down the line.
Sorry, I will shut up on a round circles argument again.

I do agree with this.

It’s the same with the rapids being down early in the season then magically being fine for the restart holidays - the issues were legitimate I’m sure but they were in no rush to resolve them until it was necessary.
The whole thing is a balance right?

It’s highly likely that they have a profit target to hit and a customer complaint/feedback score target and they need to balance the two.

From all available evidence (videos released ahead of season, new signage, adding Hex and Skyride to the 2024 park maps etc) it seems that they went into the season planning to have these both running for 2024.

However both were delayed very close to the season start in March. They could well adjust the plans as the months roll on - for example if profit numbers are down versus the budget forecast and feedback scores have not been impacted because of Hex being shut - then management could well make the decision to keep it closed and save on the staffing costs to help re-adjust the profit number and get that target back on track.

However if feedback scores suggest that Hex being closed (or the number of rides per visit aren’t acceptable) is impacting those scores and the cost of staffing it is worth bumping those up to hit that target then that would potentially take priority.

The fact is we have no idea of the intricacies of the decision making - but there are various scenarios that are plausible.
They could well adjust the plans as the months roll on - for example if profit numbers are down versus the budget forecast and feedback scores have not been impacted because of Hex being shut - then management could well make the decision to keep it closed and save on the staffing costs to help re-adjust the profit number and get that target back on track.

Best season ever tbh.
The whole thing is a balance right?

It’s highly likely that they have a profit target to hit and a customer complaint/feedback score target and they need to balance the two.

From all available evidence (videos released ahead of season, new signage, adding Hex and Skyride to the 2024 park maps etc) it seems that they went into the season planning to have these both running for 2024.

However both were delayed very close to the season start in March. They could well adjust the plans as the months roll on - for example if profit numbers are down versus the budget forecast and feedback scores have not been impacted because of Hex being shut - then management could well make the decision to keep it closed and save on the staffing costs to help re-adjust the profit number and get that target back on track.

However if feedback scores suggest that Hex being closed (or the number of rides per visit aren’t acceptable) is impacting those scores and the cost of staffing it is worth bumping those up to hit that target then that would potentially take priority.

The fact is we have no idea of the intricacies of the decision making - but there are various scenarios that are plausible.

That’s all totally true but the evidence that we actually have currently is that it says in bold letting on the website ‘opening for 2024’, so if a decision has been made contrary to that for whatever reason then it’s misleading.
That’s all totally true but the evidence that we actually have currently is that it says in bold letting on the website ‘opening for 2024’, so if a decision has been made contrary to that for whatever reason then it’s misleading.

Given signs were putup for Skyride. I would say it is safe to assume at this point. That the plan is to reopen this year.
I am on the side of starting to wonder whether it will open this year at all. Half expecting an announcement from Bianca one morning saying it requires more work over winter and will open next year. Not heard anything that indicates that but the later it gets the more I suspect it.
I think it is important to remember that the sky ride problems are probably separate from what it had last year, and probably came up during its yearly inspection and work has been happening, every time I go (every couple weeks) something is different and they are going to all the towers and doing work on them (typically there are no wheels on 1 side, sometimes both, and the cable has been pulled off of the wheels)

With hex, if something was found to be wrong depending on the problem vecoma may not have spare parts and it may require parts being manufactured, depending on the part this can take weeks to months, and then the parts have to be installed, sometimes maintenance can be a lot of waiting for parts.

In addition we are forgetting about hyperia, my guess has always been to expect hex arround june/july time because of hypera, especially since now as currently hyperia is being talked about quite a bit in the news etc. Theme park communities will be exciting if they re open hex, but normal news ad the general public will probably be distracted by hyperia, I think once hyperia reopens and runs a little more they may hold a hex reopening thing with some small event, a bit like the sub terror reopening.
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Worth remembering that there’s still 5 months of the full season, generally the busiest periods all still to come (school trips, summer holidays and scarefest) so I highly doubt that any decision about deferring it to next year would be made so early. Unless there was something seriously wrong like with the Skyride.
I had said to my mate if its not open for Whitson then I've doubts for the rest of this season... I know main season isn't with us yet and nor is the busiest time of SF and fireworks yet we are rocking on to mid June....
For the heathen plebs...
WhitSunday is the day the disciples witnessed the coming of the Holy Spirit...seven weeks after Easter, or seven Sundays after the paschal full moon...easy.
We changed to late spring bank holiday because the bloody heathens didn't want two bank holidays buggering up by god dates.
The week after, known as whitsuntide, was one of the three traditional agrarian holiday weeks...planting finished week.
Traditionally, you tie onions to your belt at Whitsun, to last through to harvest festival.
For the heathen plebs...
WhitSunday is the day the disciples witnessed the coming of the Holy Spirit...seven weeks after Easter, or seven Sundays after the paschal full moon...easy.
We changed to late spring bank holiday because the bloody heathens didn't want two bank holidays buggering up by god dates.
The week after, known as whitsuntide, was one of the three traditional agrarian holiday weeks...planting finished week.
Traditionally, you tie onions to your belt at Whitsun, to last through to harvest festival.

Bring back the pagans… they created most of these festivals anyway 😂
But Jesus shuffled the dates a little.
I remember Easter bonnets.
Little parades on the prom, and prizes for the best one.
Bet they had such competitions at the Towers.
So today we went for a walk around Her Ladyship’s gardens and on the path closed to the armoury, I was sure I could hear the indoor queue line music/sfx, in particular the high pitched trill played on strings.

It could mean absolutely nothing (perhaps it’s always on?) but it could equally mean testing is happening.

I couldn’t hear anything from the octagon though, but the windows there have been properly boarded up rather than blacked out like in the armoury.