Of course it's opening soon
You lot are far too optimistic. How do you get through a day without breaking down from constant crushing disappointment?
I'm unsure why people are stating things as fact when we don't actually know.
All we know as fact is some new sort of control panels have been installed, the track has been inspected, the ride has tested and now they're currently installing something on the vertical lift.
Do we actually know why it's now testing? Do we actually know if the investigation is ongoing or finished?
People are jumping the gun a little in my opinion.
You, sir, are my hero.I can't speak for anyone else, but the disappointment sustains me. The void in my soul provides the drive for me to continue.
Was that the theme music I could hear in the background, or just the trains going around the track? Can't work it out.
Just tweeted towers and got this reply