So basically, you don't know when it was removed and are just relying on hearsay at best. For all we know the order could have been lifted ages ago and the reason it hasn't opened yet COULD be entirely down to Alton dragging their feet. Just wanted to clear that up as I still havn't seen any definitive evidence that the order has still been in place in recent times. Apologies if I seem slightly abrupt but it gets annoying when people keep throwing this prohibition order thing around with no real knowledge of how long it lasted for or even if it is still in place. Also, I really wouldn't rely on anything the staff on the ground say as various things have been said by staff members and people in the know in recent months which have proven not to be true.
I fully understand where you are coming from. If I was given a £ for every bit of information that I've been given from staff members over the years and they fail to materialize, I'll be a very rich man
Only time will tell. Like I said, they still have many hours of testing still, but I slightly optimistic about a end of season opening, but I'm not going to go crazy and build my hopes up (nor should any one else), but I think we can quiet safely say it will open next season.