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Is Hyperia your top UK coaster?

Is Hyperia your top UK coaster?

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Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Mako (SeaWorld Orlando)
Hi guys. In recent days, Hyperia, the UK’s tallest and fastest roller coaster, has opened at Thorpe Park. It’s only been open for a few days thus far, but a lot of people who’ve ridden it (although admittedly not everybody) are already declaring it their top UK coaster. With this in mind, I’d be interested to know; is Hyperia your top UK coaster, if you’ve ridden? Has it finally knocked Nemesis off its top spot? Or if Nemesis wasn’t your top UK coaster before, has Hyperia usurped whatever you previously had on top? Or did it not quite reach the mark for you?

I haven’t personally ridden Hyperia yet, so I’m voting undecided at the moment, but I’m interested to see the consensus!
Yes it is. Rode it again yesterday and it was even better than my first ride on opening! If it weren't for the length, I could see it being a top 10 coaster easily and I look forward to riding it in the back, front and at night when I get a good opportunity

With that said, I haven't ridden Nemesis Reborn yet so she's still got a chance to take her crown back...
I have only ridden it once, but I would say no. It may be more intense on future rides, but one thing that will not be changed is its length. It's just too short.
Yes by miles for me because of the airtime.

Have been on it seven times now so feel like I can judge it properly, it's definitely not in my top 10 in the world, but just about top 20.
I've ridden it 14 times and it's a yes from me and I had a pretty good idea about that after my second lap, it's certainly good enough to be the best in the country I really like the sustained airtime and pretty much every element is world class, I prefer rides like RTH, Untamed and taron but on a UK scale it's top notch.

It's got my favorite drop I've done and that outerbank is really fun if it finished off with a helix around the lake and some ejector hills or something like that or even a couple of standard airtime hills after the cool turnaround then sure this could have been a overall true world class ride.

Instead they stuck to their usual £18-20 million budget for a rollercoaster, skipped out on the landscaping and theming and built the best thing they could have for the budget which I think they pulled that off.
For me personally, floater airtime does nothing, the layout is short and the trim/splash is terrible. Think after today it's fighting for 3rd best at Thorpe with Stealth, with Ninferno above them and Swarm top at Thorpe.

Outside of Thorpe, Nemesis, Grand National and Wicker Man spring to mind as superior coasters, undecided on Smiler v Hyperia
I tend to rank a coaster based on VIBES rather than any sort of technical opinion which is the reason Wicker Man is my UK number 1, it’s quick, it throws you about but never hurts, it’s themed and it’s just pure fun, I could lap it all day. My UK top three is made up of Nemesis Reborn and The Swarm for very similar reasons.

So with that said I can’t say with certainty that Hyperia would become my Uk number one, it’s clearly something special for the country but I have no idea how I’ll feel about that drop, the stall etc, it looks a challenge and might not agree with me 😂
For me personally, floater airtime does nothing, the layout is short and the trim/splash is terrible. Think after today it's fighting for 3rd best at Thorpe with Stealth, with Ninferno above them and Swarm top at Thorpe.

Outside of Thorpe, Nemesis, Grand National and Wicker Man spring to mind as superior coasters, undecided on Smiler v Hyperia
I find floater airtime to be quite lackluster sometimes but the airtime on hyperia is much more assertive than the type you'd find on a traditional b&m hyper in my opinion but yet its still not ejector.
I find floater airtime to be quite lackluster sometimes but the airtime on hyperia is much more assertive than the type you'd find on a traditional b&m hyper in my opinion but yet its still not ejector.

I find Silver Star and Shambhala much better, much more urgency to the air time
I find Silver Star and Shambhala much better, much more urgency to the air time
Ah okay I haven't tried silver star yet but shambhala's air time doesn't do much to me I think it's the restraints though because they're quite tight on my thighs so I only feel a light sensation of airtime although it is well sustained whereas on hyperia my bum is out of the seat.
Posting in here rather than the main topic where this is currently being discussed, as I feel that's verging off topic.

I haven't been on Hyperia yet, giving it until probably September once it's hopefully settled down, and although I'm sure I'll like it, I just can not see it being my UK number one. I think it might get in at number 2, which since we lost The Ultimate is currently The Smiler, but I'm not really expecting it to.

Not that I think it looks bad, I just know how hard it is for anything to overtake Nemesis in my book. And while I totally appreciate why The Smiler isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I hate the queue and the station and the pit, I think the ride itself is great.

For me though it's more important that it's finally another European standard coaster after we've been left behind by the continent in the last decade and a bit. In my opinion we only had Nemesis and Smiler that can mix it with the best the other end of the tunnel. Although it might not be a lot of people's UK number 1, probably won't be mine nor my number 2, it's at least a lot less polarising than Smiler, which is probably a good thing.
Love me some flojector. Hyperia has some very sustained hangtime, flojector and a moment of ejector, making for a nice and varied coaster experience. It all depends where you sit of course, I've always been sent further down the back of the train so can't judge the front row. As far as being a pure coaster goes, it's my favourite UK coaster for the above reasons. It feels a lot like a squashed Shambhala with hangtime, which is my #3 coaster, and has a few whippy elements that I like about modern Intamin coasters. The station's lighting package and mildly immersive (I say mildly because the ride's storytelling is very light) showmanship helps create a real sense of euphoria when the train leaves and arrives back in the station. But the superior overall packages in the UK are Nemesis Reborn and Wicker Man; the theming and atmosphere amplify the experiences, plus the tremendous positive G's we all know and love on Nemmy.
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I'm debating on whether to make Hyperia or Taron number 1, having ridden Hyperia on Golden Day 😂

Likely to be a bit pointless as off to Europa soon and I can imagine that will change with their rollercoasters 😅