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Is Hyperia your top UK coaster?

Is Hyperia your top UK coaster?

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Deffo the best I've been on in the UK.
Nemesis Reborn, Smiler, Icon, Stealth, Wicker Man, Oblivion, The Swarm, The Big One, Colossus have all had their day in the sun but feel like Hyperia is going up up the coaster game in this country. A Steel Vengeance ride at BPB would be perfect. A Taron style ride in place of Rita at AT too. I feel Thorpe needs to either build a water park or do away with the beach stuff and build some kind of indoor coaster. Preferably a crushers coaster type would be great.
I think it's probably my second favourite. It's got some amazing elements and is really quite intense (I rode the swarm after a few rides in hyperia and it felt very chill in comparison). The restraints are very freeing and it feels more like flying to me than air ever did. However the general theming and aesthetics are dreadful (think someone here said it looks like a giant cigarette, and I agree). The trim brakes are a bit jarring too. Nemesis has excellent theming and also a really good well paced and intense layout so it's still my fav.
Wild Mouse (Removed)
The Ultimate (Removed)
Wicker Man
Dragon's Fury
Spinball Whizzer
The Swarm
Nemesis Inferno
The Smiler
Spinning Racer (Relocated)
Grand National

My rough UK rankings to Hyperia. Probably going to be around 55-65 in my overall rankings out of 375.
First train of the day today and 3 more consecutive rides straight after via single rider. After riding all over the train, it’s definitely firmly placed itself as my UK no.1.

Nemesis has sentimentality for me, as does wickerman having followed it so closely throughout its construction. But this thing just does things to your body that nothing else in the UK can do. That outerbank and stall is up there as the best one two punch I’ve ever experienced. Really do love this coaster.