First of all, please don't make assumptions about me based on little or no knowledge and secondly, please don't play the 'oh you've not personally been effected so your opinion is worthless' card as that simply doesn't wash.
Just to be clear, I don't happen to think the tax system is perfect. I think that even if Mr. Carr or Mr. Barlow paid the expected amount, they would still not be paying nearly enough for their ludicrously large earnings and likewise, I think that the normal working and lower Middle class people do pay too much tax in comparison with the rest of society.
That doesn't mean however that it is right for someone not to pay, and there is categorically no excuses for a multi-millionaire to avoid paying their debt to society.
And as for your point that if it's legal then it's fair game - I think that really is a pitiful stance. It was once legal to own slaves and I still hold those slave owners accountable for their personal involvement. Jimmy Carr is accountable for his actions, and just because he is protected by law does not make it morally justifiable.
I know I'm thick but I fail to see the connection between Jimmy Carr and slavery, and I have to honest and say your post stinks of policies of envy.
Going back to my original post there are not many people that would willingly pay more tax than they have to.