Fredward said:DISCLAIMER: I just realised.. whenever I have said legalise drugs in this thread, I mean just weed.Don't mistake me for wanting heroin, crack and ecstasy legal!
Fredward said:But ecstasy is a highly addictive drug. So there's a fine line between recreational users and it being very bad.
Due to the nature of what the drug does is why I think its bad. Smoking tobacco/weed and drinking alcohol while the side effects can be bad, they are just tools to relax you, ecstasy gives you a massive rush which I can see some starting to depend on.
Fredward said:And Sam saying anyone who is against legalizing weed and ecstasy are hypocrites is just ignorant.
Sam said:Anyone who is against the legalisation of cannabis and ecstasy but in favour of the continued legalisation of alcohol is a hypocrite.
Sam said:James and Fredward, why are you against the legalisation of cannabis when the evidence is incontrovertible that it is less harmful and dangerous than alcohol and tobacco?
James said:The main issue with alcohol is that it was never controlled. The government let it blow out of control, not hitting hard on those who binge - hell, they could have made it illegal to binge drink - forcing people to stick within the limits.
pluk said:Thing is, it kind of is already illegal. With the possible exception of speeding I'd say the most broken law in the country is serving a drunk person alcohol. It is not allowed but there is just zero enforcement of it.
Fredward said:I hate that law as the only way for pubs to continue to be run is serving alcohol, most people looking to get drink would pre drink before heading to the pub.
It's unfair for the pubs to get the blame when super markets like Tesco provide the majority of the alcohol.
Plastic Person said:I despise Britain's binge drinking culture, although unfortunately, it is just that now, culture. Another argument in defence of cannabis or ecstasy at least, is nobody leaves clubs on them looking for a fight. I am a huge music fan and go clubbing quite regularly, to house/techno/bass etc. I don't view the places I go through any kind of rose-tinted glasses, but the atmosphere come 4 or 5AM is much different to that in a Tiger Tiger in any city centre in the UK. Although that's not only because of drugs, rather than excessive alcohol necessarily, but because people are there for music, rather than exclusively to get munted.