Wow, that's tiny - is that really all that €15.5m buys you these days?
Can't help but feel that what Merlin really wanted for that site was something like Tranan (do S&S even offer the free fly these days..?)
I get what you mean about wanting to widen the demographic, but 2 inversions on a coaster of this size seems strange. It's not exactly a thrilling enough layout to get the older teens excited for it, although i'm sure it will be fun, and 2 inversions is more likely to put younger guests off it if they aren't already into big rides. The more I see of these wing coasters that Merlin are installing the more convinced I am that these are going to have axis style rotating seats.I still don't understand why people are so perplexed about the park offering a looping ride. Heide is 7, maybe 8 hours away. If you have an opportunity to widen the demographic of your visitor base, why wouldn't you ?