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New Shrek and friends Merlin Attraction for County Hall London

Maelstrom said:
The shrek 4d attractions at both Orlando and Hollywood are certainly nothing special, pre-show is ok buts that about it, very little external theming. While the one above looks great it's still the same 4d show inside.

Whilst it look great....it's a 50ft fully themed castle that looks exactly like the one in the movie along with an immersive area "Far Far Away" done up to Universal standards! It's hardly even relevant how good what's inside is, although I would hazard a guess it's better than Ice Age 4D/Blackpool Tower 4D/any other Merlin 4D attraction.
The 4D show in Florida is nothing special, this new attraction looks more of an experience like the Dungeons taking 90mins+, so yes it will be unique and a first.
Can you believe how much Varney gets paid to come up with this trite rubbish.

Why don't you give up your job a play your own one of these full time.


It's all we seem to hear Merlin doing now.

(Short, Medium, and Long Term development plans).

As I keep saying, they are becoming the McDonald's of the attractions world.

Midway being their "Happy Meals". Get a special toy with each attraction (costs extra). Totally unique attractions*

*If you ignore the others.

And slap it right in the middle of somewhere full of history and culture, something fading away in this country.

Saying that, you could switch Shrek for Boris and I am not sure many would notice.
I don't know if its just me or, like Angry Birds, is Shrek a dying IP? I know the first few films were funny and charming and all that but do they seriously have that much of a following anymore? The same with Iceage, it seems to be stuck on repeat. I personally think its a massive risk but I am sure people will run to this tat with open arms (and wallets)! If its on the annual pass I am sure I will :D
It probably still has some life left in it. Although with this opening in 2015 I cannot see it being an IP that lasts for long. I guess Merlin are hoping for London tourism to keep it with a steady flow of guests.
As I said in my previous post on the last page, DreamWorks have just announced that they are planning another film in the franchise.


That being said, I believe it is a dying franchise and they're now just flogging a dead horse. There's a line in 21 Jump Street that reflects stuff like this well:

"You see the guys in charge of this stuff lack creativity and are completely out of ideas, so all they do now is recycle crap from the past and expect us all not to notice."
It wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to not be included in the MAP. The way M£rlin have been behaving lately, it would be exactly the sort of thing they would do to turn tound and say "your passes are only valid for the attractions listed on the back, and this place isn't listed. You'll have to buy an all new pass if you want to visit." Oh, and you can bet that even then, standard passes will be excluded.
But when Facebook likes says it the no.1 animated film and 4th most popular movie on Facebook, how can you argue?

From the presentation today:
Attraction Concept
 Concept created by MMM NBD team
 Original content (storyline, script and animation)
 Family based immersive attraction
 Guest steps into their own Shrek fairytale adventure
 Two part experience
 Multi-stage fairytale linear attraction
 Dreamworks character court
 Blackbox to showcase new IP releases

That all being said, Like others on here who have a annual pass, I will end up visiting this attraction, and who knows, it might turn out to be half decent and fun :)

DiogoJ42 said:
It wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to not be included in the MAP. The way M£rlin have been behaving lately, it would be exactly the sort of thing they would do to turn tound and say "your passes are only valid for the attractions listed on the back, and this place isn't listed. You'll have to buy an all new pass if you want to visit." Oh, and you can bet that even then, standard passes will be excluded.
Well considering it's not opening for another year at least - current MAP's aren't really relevant ;)
It seems they intend to roll this out around the world (I imagine depending how well this one does) with a further six of these over the next 9 years!) Will it really be that popular in 9 years time? In fact will it still be popular in 5 years time?

I suppose we can't really comment on what it will be like until its finished and we have been there!
LiamC said:
That being said, I believe it is a dying franchise and they're now just flogging a dead horse. There's a line in 21 Jump Street that reflects stuff like this well:

"You see the guys in charge of this stuff lack creativity and are completely out of ideas, so all they do now is recycle crap from the past and expect us all not to notice."

Haha, I think the irony of that line went over most viewers's heads minds.
Scott said:
DiogoJ42 said:
It wouldn't surprise me if this turned out to not be included in the MAP. The way M£rlin have been behaving lately, it would be exactly the sort of thing they would do to turn tound and say "your passes are only valid for the attractions listed on the back, and this place isn't listed. You'll have to buy an all new pass if you want to visit." Oh, and you can bet that even then, standard passes will be excluded.
Well considering it's not opening for another year at least - current MAP's aren't really relevant ;)

Shush you. ;)
I've had an e-mail from the council (because I complained) saying that planning permission has been granted. They sent me this document with some details.

Lambeth Council said:
Dear Mr Sam Gregory

County Hall Riverside Building Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7PB
Proposed Development:
Change of use of part of County Hall to Class D2 (Assembly and Leisure). Alterations and refurbishment of part of County Hall: minor external works including new lift shaft and lift lobby, alterations to windows and doors, insertion of louvres, removal of existing signage and installation of new signage; internal works including creation of new openings, alteration to doors, creation of themed circulation corridors, structural works and insertion of new rides [Town Planning and Listed Building Consent].
Merlin Attractions Operations Ltd

I refer to my previous letter acknowledging your comments on this proposal. The decision on the planning application is as follows:

Grant Permission

The following conditions for permission or reasons for refusal apply:

1 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice.

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.)

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed in this notice.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3 No development of works specifically relating to the lift extension area shall commence until samples and a schedule of material materials specifically relating to the lift extension area submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works shall be untaken in strict
accordance with approved details.

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

4 No new plumbing, pipes, soilstacks, flues, vents or ductwork shall be fixed on the external faces of the building unless shown on the drawings hereby approved.

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

5 No new grilles, security alarms, lighting, cameras or other appurtenances shall be fixed on the external faces of the building unless shown on the drawings
hereby approved.

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are
preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

6 All new external and internal works and finishes and works of making good to the retained fabric, shall match the existing adjacent work with regard to the
methods used and to material, colour, texture and profile, unless shown otherwise on the drawings or other documentation hereby approved.

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are
preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

7 Details of any demolition work to be carried out by power-driven tools must be agreed in advance by the local planning authority. All other demolition
works must be carried out by hand held non-power driven tools

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are
preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

8 The new joinery work shall match the existing joinery work adjacent in respect of materials, dimensions and profiles, unless shown otherwise on the drawings or other documentation hereby approved.

Reasons: To ensure the special and historic interest of the Grade II* Listed Building and the character and appearance of the conservation area are
preserved in accordance with Policies 45 and 47 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S9 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

9 No queuing shall take place on the surrounding footway on Queens Walk.

Reason: To ensure that footways are kept as free as possible to allow for pedestrians to walk along with a reasonable level of comfort (Policy 9 of the Lambeth Unitary Development Plan 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the Core Strategy (January 2011)

10 The new attraction shall be operated in accordance with the approved Delivery and Servicing Plan (Delivery & Servicing Plan December 2013 Atkins). Deliveries and Servicing shall be carried out in accordance with these details for the life of the use.

Reason: To ensure that deliveries and servicing comply with Policy 9 of the Lambeth Unitary Development Plan 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the Core Strategy (January 2011).

11 An updated Visitor Management Plan, to include a monitoring programme for pedestrian comfort levels on Queens Walk shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the opening of the attraction herein approved. The use shall be carried out in accordance with these details for the life of the use.

Reason: To ensure that the Queens Walk is not obstructed by visitors to the attraction and ensure pedestrian flow are management in accordance with Policies 9 and 28 of the Lambeth Unitary Development Plan 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the Core Strategy
(January 2011)

13 No development shall commence until full details of the proposed construction methodology, in the form of a Method of Demolition and Construction Statement, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Method of Demolition and Construction Statement shall include details and arrangements regarding:
the notification of neighbours with regard to specific works; advance notification of road closures;
details regarding parking, deliveries and storage (including details of the routing if delivery vehicles to and from the site and the accommodation of all site operatives', visitors' and construction vehicles loading, offloading, parking and turning within the site during the construction period);
details regarding dust mitigation;
details of measures to prevent the deposit of mud and debris on the public highway; and
other measures to mitigate the impact of construction upon the operation of the highway and the amenity of the area.
The details of the approved Method of Demolition and Construction Statement must be implemented and complied with for the duration of the demolition and construction process.

Reason: To ensure minimal nuisance or disturbance is caused to the detriment of the amenities of adjoining occupiers and of the area generally
and to avoid hazard and obstruction to the public highway (Policies 7 and 9 of the London Borough of Lambeth UDP: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010 and Policy S4 of the Lambeth Core Strategy (2011)).

14 A Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the opening of the attraction herein approved.
Waste shall be dealt with in accordance with these details for the life of the use.

Reason: To ensure adequate provision within or as part of the development for commercial and recycled waste in terms of facilities for containment, litter control and waste disposal. (Policy S9 of the Lambeth Core Strategy (January 2011))

15 An Evacuation Plan demonstrating how users of the attraction would access a safe refuge in the event of a breach/overtopping of the flood defences shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the opening of the attraction herein approved. Evacuation of the building in this event shall be carried out in accordance with these details for the life of the use.

Reason: To ensure safe refuge in the even of a breach/overtopping of the flood defences. (Policy S6 of the Lambeth Core Strategy (January 2011))

Lambeth Planning
Are they actually expecting the Shrek attraction to be that popular?
I assume Merlin are certainly expecting this Shrek attraction to do very well. I think they’ve already said they plan to produce at least 6 of them, and suspect the breakeven point must be quite high. How much does it cost to rent that kind of space in County Hall? And how much will they spend on advertising? The Resort theme parks don’t seem to spend that much because they rely on ‘free’ exposure from publicity stunts, ticket promotions and their relationship with things like the Sun and Blue Peter. But the midway attractions probably spend a bit more, for example I often see adverts on the Tube. The Harry Potter Tour does a lot of advertising, so I expect this Shrek thing will have a reasonable budget if they’re planning to compete.

Whether it will be successful remains to be seen. Merlin have a lot of contacts so they can probably pull a few strings to get exposure. In the long run it will depend a lot of whether it’s any good, and without knowing much about how the attraction will actually work, that’s a hard one to judge. If I were Merlin I might be a little concerned that the country’s getting over saturated with IPs. Whereas 10 years ago they UK didn’t have much of that kind of thing, we now have Peppa Pig Land, Wallace and Gromit Thrill-o-matic, C Beebies Land, Thomas Land… IP based attractions have become fairly common. It could be a bit behind the curve. But if the attraction has the right creative energy and the right quality, I think it could do very well.
Looking at the T&Cs of the new Merlin annual passes, standard passes won't gain entry at all and premium only from 1st September. If it opens on time that is!! Good confidence there Merlin!

10.4 A Premium Merlin Annual Pass can only be used to obtain access to Shrek’s Adventure from the 1 September 2015, other than in the event of a delay in the attraction opening to the public in which case Merlin shall notify each individual Premium Merlin Annual Pass holder as soon as reasonably practicable of the new date for which a Premium Merlin Annual Pass can be used to obtain access to Shrek’s Adventure. Access to Shrek’s Adventure will be subject to tickets being booked in advance with all tickets being subject to availability. A Standard Merlin Annual Pass does not entitle a pass holder to obtain access to Shrek’s Adventure.
Are they actually expecting the Shrek attraction to be that popular?

Definitely a good year to quit Merlin then... Absolutely nothing good coming out of them this year...

Would someone like to explain why this post was moved out of it's actual context from the MAP sale topic?