Yup a business perspective isn’t looking at it flatly from a staffing cost point of view. Whilst paying staff an hour’s less pay is great on the face of it, there’s a lot more to consider:
- People travelling a distance to the park aren’t as keen to visit on a 4pm day. I wouldn’t bother visiting for a 10-4 on account of the fact that my travel time is longer than the park’s hours. I’d imagine a substantial number of others would feel the same.
- Closing at 4 risks people wanting to get on the road and get out of there to try and beat the traffic. People may be less likely to bother with another bit of food, or to buy anything from Towers Trading at the end of the day. With lower capacities at present, spend per guest is a big deal and anything that can help that along such as extended hours is a good thing.
- As others have mentioned, keep guests happy now and they’re more likely to visit in future. With an extended calendar thanks to winter opening, this is even more important now.
You’ve also got more consistent forecasts thanks to prebooking and the increase in ticket pricing, which have both likely led to the park being able to make decisions on park hours with much more confidence than before. What looks to have been a relatively successful summer season has probably make them less likely to keep as tight a hold of those purse strings at the back end of the season too!