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Paultons Park: General Discussion

Maintain the gardens
Maintain the buildings
Repaint things
Replace things
Clean things
Repair things

I appreciate, particularly at Alton their grounds are 5 times the size, but they get double the visitors.
Don't forget modernise the toilets and build a new staff canteen!

I'm not bashing Alton/Merlin but they let it get so grotty in the first place I think seeing a proactive park is a positive thing. How often do we comment how grubby oblivion or smiler looks?
Merlin don't keep their parks in anywhere near as good condition as Paultons. Sure, Thorpe have been running the sparkle project, but after a few months the newly freshened up areas were once again covered in cobwebs, dirt and muck. Paultons keep the park looking fresh all season, not just on the first day.
Merlin don't keep their parks in anywhere near as good condition as Paultons. Sure, Thorpe have been running the sparkle project, but after a few months the newly freshened up areas were once again covered in cobwebs, dirt and muck. Paultons keep the park looking fresh all season, not just on the first day.
Not to mention they only painted half of Colossus 😄